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The Dog
10 Commandments

1.  My life is likely to last 10-15 years.
Any separation from you will be painful for me
Remember that BEFORE you get me.

2.  Give me time to understand what you want from me.

3.  Place your trust in me. It is crucial to my well-being.

4.  Don't be angry with me for long, & don't lock me up as punishment.
You have your work, entertainment & friends. I have only YOU.

5.  Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words,
I understand your voice.

6.  Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget.

7.  Please don't hit me. I can't hit back,
but I can bite & scratch and I really don't want to do that.

8.  Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy,
ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
Perhaps I'm not getting the right foods or I've been out in the
sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak.

9.  Take care of me when I get old. You too will grow old one day.

10.  Go with me on difficult journeys. NEVER say,
"I can't bear to watch, or let it happen in my absence."
Everything is easier for me if YOU are there.

Remember, I LOVE YOU!!

Written by the Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center
Published by the SPCA of Pinellas County, Florida
Submitted by Julie Martin

When Disaster Strikes

Will you be prepared?
Many people do not think to plan ahead for a disaster or emergency.
Instead, they are over whelmed, when disaster does strike.


When preparing for a disaster,
be sure to plan and make arrangements for your pets as well.

  Take your pets with you.  
    Although animals are not currently allowed in evacuation shelters, times are changing. Ask your vet ahead of time about boarding your animals during a disaster.  Do not wait until your are told to evacuate to try and make arrangements.  
  Have a plan.  
    If you are normally away from home during the day, make arrangements with a neighbor to account for and secure your pets.  
  Make sure your pet has a permanent ID.  
    Most animals will survive a disaster, but will never be reunited with their families because they were not wearing their ID collars.  Collars can also come off so it is best to have your animal either tattooed or microchipped for positive ID.  
  Keep vaccination and health record current.  
    Diseases can spread very quickly during flooding. Help your pet survive by insuring they are current on all shots.  
  Have a way to restrain you pet.  
    Even obedient dogs can panic during a storm.  Keep leashes and a crate or carrier at hand where it can be accessed quickly.  At hand does not mean, stored in the rafters out in the garage. A harness makes a better restraint than a collar, should the dog panic.  
  Emergency supplies.  
    Just as you would keep a supply of fresh water and food on hand for your family, be sure you have food and water stored for your pets also.  Keep several days worth of food and safe drinking water as well as any necessary medications packed and ready to go.  If your pet uses canned food, be sure to include a can opener and a spoon.  
  First aid kit and directions.  
    It is very easy to make your own first aid kit or you can purchase one already made up.  Most items will be useful for both animals and humans.  Keep a first aid book with your supplies, don't try to rely on memory in an emergency.  "Help! The quick Guide to First Aid for Your Dog" by Veterinarian Michelle Bamberger (Howell/Macmillan) is excellent, well organized and easy to follow.  
  "Lost Dog" kit.  
    Don't wait until it happens.  During a disaster, it may be hard to get flyers printed so do them ahead of time. Should you and your pet become separated, you will be prepared.  Keep the posters and a loaded staple gun with your other supplies.  Offering a "Reward" is normally helpful.  Remember to put poster at all local veterinary offices and well as the local animal shelters.  

For more helpful tips - visit the ASPCS Emergency Pet Preparedness web page


Plants Can Kill


We all know that dogs can be deadly to plants, but do you know which plants can also harm your dog.
Most of the plants listed will only make your dog sick, but some can kill.
If you believe your dog has eaten or even chewed on any of the following plants,
call your veterinarian immediately.

American yew Delphinium Mock orange
Angel's trumpet Elderberry Moonweed
Apricot, Almond English holly Mushrooms & Toadstools
Arrowgrass English yew Oleander
Azalea Foxglove Peach tree
Bird of paradise Hemlock Pokeweed
Bittersweet Jasmine Privet
Black locust Jimsonweed Rhododendron
Buttercup Larkspur Rhubarb
Castor bean Lilly of the valley Skunk cabbage
Cherry tree Locoweed Soapberry
China berry Lupine Spinach
Coriara Mescal bean Tomato vine
Daffodil Mistletoe Wisteria

For more information on things that can be harmful to  your pet, visit the
American Veterinary Medical Association Pet Poison Guide
or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.

The Medicine Chest

Helpful items to keep on hand.

Your Veterinarian can occasionally save you a trip in by explaining
how to care for your dog's minor problems at home.
The following items are what we consider basic for treating most minor problems.

Adhesive Tape Eye Wash Pepto -Bismal
Aspirin Buffered (ascriptin) Flea Spray Robitussin
Bandage Scissors 4 x 4 gauze pads Sharp Scissors
Benadryl (antihistamine) Rolled gauze Sterile Dressing
Betadine antiseptic Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Syringes 1cc & 5cc
Blood Stop powder Kaopectate Thermometer
Cotton Balls K-Y Jelly Triple Antibiotic Ointment
Cotton (Rolled) Mineral Oil Tweezers
Cotton swabs (Q-tips) Nutra Cal Vet Wrap
Dramamine Pedialite Worm Medicine
Ear cleaner Pet Tonic

What it is

What it does

How much to use

Aspirin (buffered) Relieves pain reduces inflammation up to 5 mg/lb every 12 hours
Benedryl Relieves itching/ allergies up to 2 mg/lb every 8 hours
Dramamine Relieves car sickness motion sickness up to 4 mg/lb every 8 hours
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Induces vomiting after ingesting poison 5 ml by mouth every 10 min.
Di-Gel liquid An anti-gas antacid up to 4 Tbsp. every 8 hours
Kaopectate Controls diarrhea up to 1 mg/lb every 6 hours
Mineral Oil Relieves constipation up to 4 Tbsp. per day
Pepto -Bismal Relieves gas, vomiting & diarrhea 1 tsp / 5 lb. every 6 hours
Robitussin Soothes Kennel cough 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. every 4 hours

Tylenol (or any Acetaminophen) should NEVER be given to any dog or cat NEVER

Never treat you pet without consulting your veterinarian first.

The Danger Of A Penny

Zink Induced Hemolytic Anemia

Red Blood Cell Destruction
In mammals, the red blood cell is basically a small bag of hemoglobin, the protein which binds oxygen in the lungs, carries it and releases it to other tissues. A normal canine red blood cell lives 120 days and dies when it either becomes too stiff to fold itself through the tiny capillaries of the circulation (and it simply bursts trying to do so) or it cannot generate enough energy to keep itself alive.

The spleen is responsible for removing old red blood cells. The spleen possesses many tortuous, winding blood vessels where red blood cells may break if they are not supple enough to pass through. The spleen then collects the hemoglobin. Bilirubin, a pigment made from old hemoglobin, is a by-product of this process. Bilirubin is sent to the liver to be “conjugated,” a chemical process enabling the bilirubin to be excreted in bile, a digestive emulsifier secreted by the liver. Bilirubin is responsible for the color of feces.

What is Hemolysis?
Hemolysis is the destruction of red blood cells. Red blood cells may be destroyed by:
  1. immune-mediated pathways (in which the immune system treats red blood cells as foreign cells to be destroyed)

  2. the spleen’s pathways described above

  3. parasites that live in or on the red blood cell

  4. toxins such as zinc or copper

  5. infections or tumors

When too many red blood cells are destroyed, the body’s mechanisms for processing hemoglobin are overwhelmed and bilirubin builds up. The patient may be obviously yellow (“jaundiced” or “icteric”) when the mucous membranes are examined. The serum may be yellow when one checks a blood sample. If the blood cells are actually being destroyed in the blood stream (rather than in the spleen), the urine will turn red or rust colored. Hemoglobin is toxic to the kidneys and kidney failure is a strong possibility.

In 1983, the US Government began minting pennies made of zinc wafers coated in copper rather than out of pure copper. As it is not uncommon for young animals to swallow pennies, zinc toxicity became recognized.

Other zinc sources include nuts, bolts, and zinc oxide based skin creams (such as diaper rash cream and sun screen). One may see a penny or other radio dense object of about the right size on a radiograph or there may be a known history of penny eating. It is important to rule out immune-mediated hemolysis as this is a common condition requiring specific treatment.

Clinical Signs
The clinical signs of zinc toxicosis include:
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • red urine
  • icterus (yellow mucous membranes)
  • liver failure
  • kidney failure
  • anemia
How zinc is able to produce hemolysis is not known.

If an object possibly made of zinc is seen on a radiograph, it should be removed promptly. Support then becomes crucial. Fluid therapy is important to keep circulation to the kidneys adequate and help prevent failure. Transfusion may be necessary to combat anemia and anti-nauseal therapy is warranted. Research is looking at methods for binding excess zinc in the circulation similar to the way lead poisoning is treated.

Many veterinarians are unaware of this special syndrome and do not realize that pennies are far more than a simple foreign body. This is a very recently described disease and many questions are still unanswered.

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