About Cats
I like cats because they are cuddly and fun.Cats sleep on beds.  They run around happily.  They have their own beds.  How I like cats.  I am accustomed to my own cat.I have a cat named Clovis who is black and white.  He looks spotted.  He crawls up on to me and kneads me.  How happy cats seem to be.  They are especcially active when they are kittens.  We got our cat at a shelter for annimals.  I think dogs can be nice to but I do not think every residence allows them.  Dogs need to be groomed to.  They have more hair.  I would hate it if my cat got sick.  I brush my cat's teeth though that may sound nuts.  It is a male cat,very young.  I believe I will always have a cat because they help me create a sense of balance in my life.  Interestingly they do not have to do much of anything so they just move about and eat and go to the bathroom.  However,they have a job and that is keeping you sane.
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My Info:
Name: Kara Merry Barrett