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If you have reached this page from a link on another website or publication, please advise the publisher's webmaster or editor, or contact the WATRC webmaster with contact details of the publication, and we will advise the publisher if we can.

This Geocities hosted website will remain online for some time, but will no longer be updated or maintained.

Hoofin' It Online is now hosted by the Wellington Community Network.
Please click here to be transferred to the new website

Welcome to "Hoofin' It Online", the website of the Wellington Area Trail Riding Club (WATRC).

"Hoofin' It" is the occasional newsletter of the WATRC. The newsletter is issued fortnightly, usually within a week of each club event during the trail riding season, which runs from October to March. During the off-season there are only occasional newsletters

It's generally distributed to club members and interested parties by email as a PDF attachment. You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the attachment.

Where the links will take you:

Home - this page
News - recent and  past issues of Hoofin' It
Results - results from club events. Official NZ Equestrian Federation results can be found on the NZEF website.
Photos of competitors from recent WATRC events
A calendar of WATRC events past and coming up.
Information about the club, it's aims, and membership.
We provide links to our sponsor's websites and other useful or interesting resources
Club officers contact details - if calling, please do so at a reasonable hour
Diary - webmaster's news about site updates

To view the old website, click here. Content from the old site will be migrated to the new design over the next few weeks. We'll be reviewing the material as we go to ensure that it's accurate and still relevant.

Wellington City Council    Wellington Community Network