By: Brian Jacques

Summary: Mossflower was peaceful after the Late Rose Summer Wars. Matthias the Warrior had a son, and named him Mattimeo. But one day, a fox by the name of Slagar the Cruel came to Mossflower. He began taking dibbuns from the woodlands and Redwall, including Mattimeo. Now, Matthias and friends must follow this fox south if they are to save their children. And Mattimeo must try to escape from his father's shadow and become a warrior himself, and help to free himself and fellow dibbuns from the clutches of Slagar. But will the dibbuns be released, or will they be made into slaves in the far south?

Personal Notes: Good character development, but I felt there wasn't enough action. This was my least favorite of this series, but it is still a decent book.

Rating: On a scale of 1-10, I give this book:
(6 1/2) Stars

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