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About Us

The Concerned Citizens for Fair Broadcasting is a non-profit independent political action group comprised of, as the title suggests, concerned citizens who are trying to affect real change in the way broadcasting laws are administered and created in this country. For far too long the general public has been kept in the dark, and taken advantage of, by large corporate media interests. We aim to develop a vast and diverse constituency of citizens who will work together, and create a movement that speaks for the interests of the people. We must all come together and collectively urge our representatives in our local, state, and most importantly federal governments to change the unfair and harmful broadcasting regulations that exist today in this country. Regulations that, among other things, destroy local broadcasters, stifle real political debate, and encourage the formation of monopolies that gauge prices and propagate vapid television programming which rots the minds of the public.

The ten co-founders of the CCFB are:

  • Montana Barone
  • Lawrence DeBello
  • Devika Kapoor
  • Antonia Katsantonis
  • Lana Lee
  • Chuck McGuire
  • Greg Parnas
  • Jason Rindenau
  • Shawn Woodley
  • Gadi Zohar


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