Yellow Silk Training 2


Yellow silk training

Gor  you will study the High Castes and Low Castes know their Caste colors and what they do

You will study and learn something about each Society of Gor...From the Torvaldslanders to the Cities of the will learn the dress of the kajira in each area of Gor

You will know the Dress of Men and Women and how to care for each attend a Mistress In her Chambers as well as Men in Theirs...

Online Gor how to roleplay instruction to dance and move in chat to be sensual and sensuous...description description description different parts of gor girls serve differently the big cities of the south very formal silk serves the Northern cities a mix of silk and bond ...and in the north Torvaldsland bondmaid serves

your serves will be for Men sensual and exciting for FW make Her feel special take extra time to make it special to her ...add some flowers to the tray ...a scented candle or if You know she likes chocolate or berries add a treat to the will never slight a FW you will offer Her service and never be anxious to do less for her than You would for a Master ...remember this ...the Free You slight today may own you tomorrow!

you will learn to do each kind of serve and to make each your will improvise if you find yourself in a camp ...if at a loss ask another slave in whisper for help...

Positions in white you were introduced to you must go back to the beginning must feel the position ...feel what it makes you feel and express it in words to convey the picture to the Free to whom you wish to be most pleasing...description of feeling and movement let them see how your legs quake as you sink to His feet...let them see the curve of your ass the flare of your hips...the color of your hair ...the emotion filling your eyes...

To pass yellow silk training you must know every position... become familiar with each... be able to perform each without sensual and erotic your very deepest need and desire to please...

Activities Essay for topic see fg or yellow silks you begin to learn dance and floor the red tile dance...discuss it with others ... then working with either fg or tg

work up an outline for your red tile dance...once the outline is complete you will fill it in and dance in the home ...once it has been decided you have danced this dance well will proceed to creating several more dances ..see fg or tg for which dance is next...

as a Yellow silk of the Home you must follow rules of will be taught to release all inhibition ...vanity is a good thing on gor know yourself to be a beauty and that Men want you false modesty are a wanton little minx love Men and desire to please them you will be taught how ...bring your own emotion and feelings to this training...let yourself go wild and free in the pleasure of Men...its not only expected its DEMANDED!

Use by Gorean Men ...unrestricted ...kajira never ever kiss and tell dont save scrolls {unless a Free has a problem with you and maims or kills you.} keep that scroll and DONT PANIC...give the scroll to fg or tg to take to Master Tuck ..He will decide if the kill or punishment is valid...but back to kissing and telling ...never ever post a scroll of activities in the alcove or in room of a sexual nature to embarass or Harass a Free is TOTALLY FORBIDDEN...

If You are a personal kajira then make SURE you know your restrictions and post them in your profile...collars and restrictions of Masters are upheld in WFI...IF a FREE orders you to break restriction this is hard but you obey! Your Master will have issue with the Free so commanding you but you as a slave have only one option in the presence of a Free and that is total obedience...Though you are owned ...the Free whose presence you are in will be obeyed ...Your Owner will deal with that person...not beware where you travel...

when in WFI there will always be a Free of Home there may Im them and let them know of Your restrictions and let them deal with the Free that chooses to order you to disobey your Master...its Free matter what happens you will not argue with any FREE ever...

learn the fauna and flora of gor ...plants and trees fruit etc that are native to gor but also some that were brought from earth ...know similar veggies and fruits to those of earth as well EG: sul gorean potato

you will learn many chores and be responsible for at least three a week posted to your boards

cooking from scratch and making a three course meal will cook it serve it and clean up after it as part of rounding out your yellow silk training...

you will dance the pole dance the needs dance and a whip dance with a Free Man

the first two may be prewritten ...the whip will be as we say "off the cuff" it will be you dancing to His whip and His actions at least 6 posts long...before you panic lol thats a long way off so relax and breathe again

there are more things like path to learning and general knowlege and just for good measure anything else the fg or tg can throw at you...

you are expected to read John Norman novels you will have completed ten and be tested on them before completion of yellow silk training...Some will be covered in book club some you will do on your own...

good luck ...fg and tg of WFI