Bara, Kajira! he said. She rolled quickly to her stomach, placing her wrists behind her, crossed and crossing her ankles, ready to be bound.
Page 77, Explorers of Gor.

"Bara," said Mincon to Tula. "Bara," said I to Feiqua. Both slaves went immediately to their bellies, their heads to the left, their wrists crossed behind their backs, their ankles also crossed. It is a common binding position. p. 145, Mercenaries of Gor

Bara!" he snapped.
I flung myself to my belly in the grass, putting my hands behind me, wrists crossed, and crossing my ankles, too.
Dancer of Gor, page 415

ONLINE example

hearing His command to "bara" the stunning brunette immeadiately stretched out on the cool stones ...tresses darker than walnut spill about the beast in a dark silken blanket...head turned to the left cheek pressed to the floor...long slender arms along sides as wrists cross in small of back...long legs stretched tautly as right ankle crosses over left and beast stills poised like carved marble...


"Now," I said, "for a third form of obeisance. You may 'belly' to me."
"I do not understand," she whispered.
"There are various forms of bellying," I said, "and bellying may be suitably and pleasingly combined with other forms of floor movements, approaching the Master on all fours, turning to your sides and back, writhing before him, and so on. We will take a very simple variation, suitable for an ignorant free female who has not yet even begun to discover the depths of her sexuality."
She looked up at me.
"On your belly," I said. She backed off a bit, and went to her belly. Her hair was before her face, as she now on her belly before me, looked up at me.
"Now inch forward," I said, 'remaining low on your belly, and when you reach my feet, once again, as before, lifting your head a little, tenderly and humbly, and beautifully, as though you were a slave, lick and kiss them. Good. Good. Now take my foot and place it gently on your head. Very good. Now place it again on the mat, and kiss it again. Good. You may now belly back a little, humbly. I have not yet given you permission to rise of course."

Mercenaries of Gor" page 410

"She lowered herself to her belly and , holding my ankles gently with her hands, covered my feet with kisses. Her lips, and her tongue, were warm and wet "


kneeling before Him red hair capturing the fire light in each strand...palms turned up as in offering the beast with skin like pure alabaster keeps stormy thassa colored eyes lowered...she responds swiftly to His command to "belly" backing slightly away from Him ...sensuous body undulates in serpentine fashion as she finds herself stretched before Him upon the floor...inching to His feet soft pouty lips kiss and adore his feet before beast lays cheek to His boots and stills before Him in obeiscience...awaiting His next command

BINDING{girl can be bound from any position the Master chooses. examples in books show from belly and leasha}

Why then had I been bound? I supposed, perhaps, it was for purposes of discipline. Binding is excellent discipline. It is often used on this world for that purpose. Restraints, their psychological indignity and physical discomfort, particularly after a time, placed upon a girl by the will of a master, are among the simplest and most effective instruments of female instruction; they rank with food and the whip; a girl, under disciplinary binding, once released, is invariably eager to please; she does not wish to be rebound; the thongs have well apprised her of her place, which is at her master's feet.

"Slave Girl of Gor" page 103

"Standard binding position," he said. I was prone. When a girl is prone, the standard binding position is to cross the wrists behind the back and to cross the ankles. I took this position instantaneously.

"Slave Girl of Gor" page 125

Bosk of Port Kar tied my wrists behind my back. He then said to me, "Kneel," and I knelt. "Cross your ankles," he said. I did so. Then, with the loose end of the fiber which bound my wrists, he tied my crossed ankles together, fastening them, thus, to my wrists. Some six inches of strap separated my bound wrists and bound ankles.

"Slave Girl of Gor" page 409


the terrified girl feels Him grasp sleek arms... feels the binding fiber wrap swiftly around wrists...gasping for breath as His hands work swiftly,circling the long strand about both ankles ...the beast helplessly bound before Him ...head bowed and body trembles as she awaits further discipline...


another discipline that impresses slavery upon newer girls and reaffirms it in not so new girls

"I then threw the second blanket, the top blanket over her, covering her completely. When a blanket, or cloak, or covering of any sort, is thrown over a slave like this she may not speak or rise. She must remain as she is, silent, until the master, or some free man, lifts the covering away."

Explorers of Gor...pg 94

Between where the men sat and the coffle, a bit to the right, was the spread-out kailiauk robe under which Grunt had put Margaret, naked, her legs drawn up. She had been under the robe for hours. It would be hot under the robe, in the sun, and there would be insects in the grass. I grinned. I think she was learning her slavery.
Savages of Gor...pg 223


the beast kneeling before Him...laughing teasingly ...fingers caressing inner thighs...leaning intoward Him...without once acknowledging the sluts antics,He flings His cloak upon the beast...no further sound or motion comes from the creature beneath the cover...absolute silence...absolute stillness...He is pleased...

Bracelets or chainning
Kajira stands, head high, wrists behind her back and crossed, ready to receive slave bracelets.
To the command "bracelets" the slave responds by placing her hands behind her back, wrists crossed, ready to receive bracelets. The head should be held tall with the chin lifted and turned to the left. It might be used to attach bracelets to a slave, easy access to the collar to grasp the collar or attach a leash, to display a girl, to capture a slave's attention, to test the training of a slave, or simply because it pleases the Master. ~Throwing her arms and her ash~blonde hair behind her, she presses back with her shoulders and raises her wrists so that they are well clear of the small of her back. she pulls up the crown of her head slightly to complete the curve caused by the forward thrust. Turning her head to the left, her chin raised slightly, the collar of steel fully exposed as it lays across the smoothness of her slender throat.~

Kajira stands, head high, wrists behind her back and crossed, ready to receive slave bracelets.
"Bracelets," he snapped.
She put her head in the air and placed her hands behind her back.

"Hunters of Gor" (page 146)


He had removed a pair of light bracelets, joined by about five inches of light chain, from his pouch. "Slave bracelets," he said. "Turn around, facing the door, your hands behind your back."

Kajira of Gor...pg.132



Capture position
The girl lies on her back with her knees raised, heels on the floor in a standard, supine capture position.
("Kajira of Gor" p. 422)

The slave gets down on all fours, palms flat on floor...ass in the air...forehead close but not touching the floor....crawls to just an inch from Master's feet.

The slave gets down on all fours and moves to where she is directed. In the books, one example is a slave moving forward on her belly with her head down. Other instructions, not found in the books, may include having the forearms (palms to elbows) upon the floor, exaggerating the tush in the air, lowering the forehead close to but not touching the floor, crawling to a hort from the Master's feet, or crawling to and kissing the Master's feet.

~Arching her back to display herself well before Him, the slave slowly leans forward, placing her palms to the floor, her tush rising above her heels as she pulls herself forward from her kneel. her arm reaches forth, breaking through the cascade of ash-blonde hair that falls over one shoulder, her hips rolling sensually with the shifting of her weight as she brings her opposite knee forward. Extending her arms to Him, relieving the stretch in her legs by sliding them forward to tuck beneath her, she moves like a larl in heat until she is within easy grasp of His left hand.~

I pointed to the stones at my feet. "Crawl," I said, in Gorean. The girl slipped to her belly, and, as a slave girl, crawled to my feet. She put her lips to my foot; I felt her hair over it.

Book 10...Tribesmen of Gor...pg. 78


I looked down at the girl at my feet. She looked up at me. I kicked her. She winced. "On your hands and knees," I said.
"Yes, Master," she said.
I indicated to her the direction of the stream.
"Yes, Master," she said.
She would crawl to it. She was a slave.

Book 17... Savages of Gor...


Common Gorean Usage Position (sex)
The slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and keeps her head straight, her eyes looking forward, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread in preparation for the sexual use of the Master.

He knelt me there. "Put your head down, to the floor," he said. "Clasp your hands, firmly, behind the back of your neck."
"Yes, Master," I moaned. He was then behind me. He put his hands, under my arms, on my breasts, sweetly and firmly. Then he moved his bands back, caressing my flanks. My head was down. My fingers were together, behind the back of my neck. I was in his collar. It was steel, I could not remove it. I belonged to him. My body hurt, from his whip, that of my master. My head hurt, from my hair, where I had been conducted, unceremoniously, to this location.
"Please, Master," I sobbed. "Not like this! Not you, please!"
"The slave is pretty," he remarked.
"Oh!" I cried. "Oh!"
"You have a lovely ass," he said.
"Ohhh!" I said.
"You may thank me," he said.

Eye Contact
There are times when a kajira's eyes should and should not not meet those of a master. See the examples below:

thought Grunt was wise not to have the girls look into the eyes of the Fleer warrior. Such an exchange of glances or looks, can be like an electric shock, an encounter almost fearfully significant. Who knows what each might recognize in the eyes of the other? Does she see in his eyes that he is one such as might be her master? Does he see in her eyes that she is one who could not help but acknowledge herself and soon, despite what she might now take to be her desires, his helpless and natural slave? Sometimes, at as little as a meeting of eyes, masters and slaves know one another. `I must have her. She is mine,' he tells himself. `I belong to him. I am his slave,' her hearts whispers to her."

"This matter of eye contact is interesting and has many facets. One of the most initially frightening and disturbing things to Earth women brought to Gor as slaves is the way Gorean men look at them. They are not used to being looked at as women, truly, with appraisal, desire and ownership. This tends, in the beginning, when they are still new to their collars, to confuse and frighten them, but also, of course, as it will continue to do, and even more powerfully, to stimulate them. It is the first time that they have found themselves in the order of nature, and as what they are, and it is the first time that they have found themselves being looked at, frankly, and honestly, within the order of nature, and as what they are, females, appropriate objects of male predation and desire. This recognition of her femaleness, and this joy in release and self-discovery, often comes as a stunning revelation to the Earth female. Never again, once having discovered this, does she retreat to the conditioned ideals of neuterism and pseudomasculinity, nor, indeed, even if she desired to do so, would her masters permit it. Sometimes in training, incidentally, or as a discipline or punishment, the slave is not permitted to look into the eyes of the master. Indeed, sometimes, in training, she is not permitted to raise her eyes above the belt of the trainer. Also, it must be recognized that many slaves often, and perhaps all slaves sometimes, find it difficult to look into the eyes of the master. He, after all, holds total power over them and they fear to displease him. What if he should interpret her gaze as suggesting the least insubordination or insolence? Are they truly prepared to have the soles of their feet lashed or to live on bread crusts for the next five days? But, on the other hand, there is, on Gor, in circles of the mastery, no discouragement, commonly, of eye contact between masters and slaves."

"Indeed, in the deep and profound relationships of love and bondage, such eye contact is usually welcomed and encouraged. What can be understood of the glances of masters and slaves by those who have been united only in lesser relationships? Too, to be sure, from the practical point of view, it is useful for the girl to be able to look into the eyes of the master. In this way she may be able to better read his moods, and desires, and, accordingly, be able the better to serve him, in the process perhaps saving herself a few cuffings and beatings, such as might be garnered by a less alert, more slothful, laxer girl. To be sure, all girls, upon occasion, are cuffed or beaten. This is good for them, and helps to remind them that they are slaves.Beauty in a slave girl, incidentally, and most slaves are beautiful, for this is the sort of woman that tends to be enslaved, does not excuse poor service. The most beautiful girl must serve with the same perfection as the lesser girl. Gorean masters are uncompromising on this point."

"From the point of view of the master, too, not only is it pleasant to look into the eyes of a slave, but there are certain practical advantages attached to doing so. For example, one might, in her eyes, read desire, and thus order her to perform an act which she, even though a slave, might not have dared to beg to perform, or, say, by looking into her eyes, one might determine if she has been up to something or has neglected something to which she should have attended. Has she been into the sweets? Has she, perhaps gossiping and dawdling with the other girls, been amiss in the discharge of her duties? Perhaps the shopping has not yet been done? Perhaps the laundry has not yet been finished? Such infractions call for discipline. But perhaps, in lieu of discipline, the master will accept the performance of desperate placatory services on the part of the offending slave. The decision is his. I would, incidentally, advise the slave to be superb."

"Savages of Gor" pages 257-259


Gorean Bow
The girl kneels in the nadu position and bends her body backwards, her head to the floor, she places her hands by her head palms down .... then pulls up into a back bend.

Under the torchlight Phyllis Robertson was now on her knees, the Warrior at her side, holding her behind the small of the back. Her head went farther back, as her hands moved on the arms of the Warrior, as though once to press him away, and then again to draw him closer, and her head then touched the furs, her body a cruel, helpless bow in his hands, and then, her head down, it seemed she struggled and her body straightened itself until she lay, save for her head and heels, on his hands clasped behind her back, her arms extended over her head to the fur behind her.

Assasins of Gor...page 186


"Display her Lads," said the fellow. The two slaver's men thrust the woman forward, toward the crowd, and bent her backward.


Hair Position/Heel {kneeling and standing}
The command for hair is a silent gesture in the books, but may be given verbally in the online realm. a slave approaches the Free opposite their dominant side, bowing or crouching to place the slave's bowed head within easy grasp. It may be used when a Free wishes to have a slave by their side, lead a slave, wipe His fingers or face with her hair, moved to another position, controlled, or have her slavery impressed upon her.

"I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position."
page 409, Beasts of Gor

Usually, however, the hair of slaves is worn long, and loose, or confined only in some simple way, as with a ribbon or woolen fillet. Some masters like the ponytail hairdo on a slave, which, on Gor, is usually spoken of as the "leash," or "hair leash," for, by it, a girl may be conveniently seized and controlled.
Dancer of Gor, page 112


The slave goes to Master and kneels in nadu behind and to his left... awaits further orders note: if Master is right handed go to his left , if left handed go to his right. To accompany the Free the girl may be told to "heel" beast walks several paces behind Him with eyes fixed upon His heels ...she follows on His less dominant side to be out of the way should He need to use His weapons...

The slave goes to Master and kneels in nadu behind and to his left... awaits further orders note: if Master is right handed go to his left , if left handed go to his right.

The command for hair is often a silent gesture in the books, but may be given verbally as well. a slave approaches the Free opposite their dominant side, kneeling or crouching to place the slave's bowed head within easy grasp. It may be used when a Free wishes to have a slave by their side, lead a slave, wipe His fingers or face with her hair, moved to another position, controlled, or have her slavery impressed upon her.

~Seeing the rapid opening and closing of His hand at His hip out of the corner of her eye, the slave quickly moves to Master's left side, rolling up on her toes and lowering her tush upon her heels as she melts into a crouch to obey His command. Bowing her head, she places the crown of her head where He gestured.~

Heel ..."The Forkbeard turned about and, one arm about Pudding, the other about Gunnhild, started from the dock. Hilda followed him, to his left. 'She heels nicely,' said Ottar. The men and bond-maids laughed. The Forkbeard stopped. Hilda's face burned red with fury, but she kept her head high. Pet sleen are taught to heel; so, too, sometimes, are bond-maids; I was familiar with this sort of thing, of course; in the south it was quite common for slave girls; in various fashions in various cities, to heel their masters. Hilda, of course, was a free woman. For her to heel was an incredible humiliation. The Forkbeard started off again, and then again stopped. Again, Hilda followed him as before. "She is heeling!" laughed Ottar."

Marauders of Gor...page 123


"These things vary, I learned from city to city, and depend, also, on such matters as context and conditions. In a market, in the crowding and jostling for instance, a girl may follow so closely she pressed against the back of his left shoulder. Girls seldom follow behind and on the right. If she is thusly placed it is commonly a sign she is in disfavor. If more than one girl is involved, she who follows most closely on the left is generally taken to be in highest favor; girls compete for this position. In an open area, such as the fields in which we trekked, the girl is placed some five or ten feet behind, and on the left. If he must move suddenly she will not, thusly, constitute an impediment to his action.

Slave Girl of Gor...page 30


"He turned about and, with his weapons, strode from the camp. I followed him, at his heel, where a slave girl belongs.">

Slave Girl of Gor..page 109


"The girl normally heels a right-handed Master on the left, that she not encumber the movements of the weapon hand."

Magicians of Gor...page 117



High Harness
A position in which a leashed slave is commanded to do....to show off her collar and neck


"Lift your head, " he said. "Higher. Higher!" She looked up at him, her head far back, the leash on her throat.... "You need not now keep your head in high-harness position," he said to the girl. She moved her head.

Mercenaries of Gor...pgs 308-309


Kneeling (Leash and other variations)
The slave kneels quickly spreading her thighs wide, arches her back stiffly and places her hands, wrists crossed, at the small of her back, turns her head to the left with eyes lowered submissively, and lips parted slightly, she patiently awaits the leash, or inspection...(standing): The slave stands with feet shoulder-width apart, wrists crossed at the small of her back, head held high and turned to the left, lips slightly parted and eyes lowered submissively awaiting the leash or inspection.


A Gorean slave girl in the presence of a free man or woman always kneels, unless excused from doing so.

"Captive of Gor" (page 73)

She had stood there, not daring to approach. Then my captor had indicated that she might enter his presence. Radiantly, joyously, she fled to him, and knelt before him, putting her head to his feet.

"Slave Girl of Gor" (page 47)

"A girl," I told her, "on entering the compartment of her master, kneels."

"Tribesmen of Gor" (page 46)

"Furthermore," I said, "commonly, in the presence of a free man, the girl kneels."

"Tribesmen of Gor" (page 47)

In a corridor we passed a female slave. She dropped to her knees and put her head down, her hair upon the tiles as we passed.

"Tribesmen of Gor" (page 13)

At his entrance Susan put the palms of her hands on the floor and lowered her head to the tiles, assuming a position of slave obeisance common with her in the presence of her master. I wondered if Ligurious's slave master required this position of all of his women. I supposed so. (See also "Obeisance")

"Kajira of Gor" (page 157)

It is almost universal, as far as I know, that a slave kneels in one fashion or another when entering her master's presence, or if she should find herself in his presence. She commonly kneels when spoken to by any free person. This is simply a matter of respect. To be sure, she can be slain if she does not do so. The kneeling position, of course, which the master's, or free person's, permission, either tacit or explicit, is usually required to break, is commonly an initial position. For example, after its deferential assumption, she may be dismissed from it, to other duties, such as cleaning, shopping or cooking.

"Dancer of Gor" (page 115)

The main reason why a slave kneels, of course, aside from such subtle and complex considerations, is simply that she is a slave, and that the position, accordingly, is appropriate for her.

In one long corridor we passed two girls, naked, on their hands and knees, with brushes and water, scrubbing the stones of the corridor floor. A guard, with a whip, stood over them. They fell to their bellies as we passed, and then, when we had passed, rose to their hands and knees, to resume their work.

"Explorers of Gor" (page 20)

"The position of the Pleasure Slave, incidentally, differs from the position of both the free woman and the Tower Slave. The hands of a Pleasure Slave normally rest on her thighs but, in some cities, for example, Thentis, I believe, they are crossed behind her. More significantly, for the free woman's hands may also rest on her thighs, there is a difference in the placement of the knees. In all these kneeling positions, incidentally, even that of the Pleasure Slave, the Gorean woman carries herself well; her back is straight and her chin is high. She tends to be vital and beautiful to look upon."

"Priest-Kings of Gor" (page 46-47)

"She knelt back on her heels, her back straight, her head up, her hands on her thighs. She knelt in the position of the house slave. I looked at her sternly. Swiftly, she spread her knees. She knelt now in the position of the pleasure slave, the slave of interest to men."

"Fighting Slave of Gor" (page 346)

"The position of the tower slave, in most cities, is very similar to that of the pleasure slave. The major difference is that the tower slave, whose duties are commonly, primarily, domestic, kneels with her knees in a closed position, whereas the pleasure slave, in a symbolic recognition of the fuller nature of her bondage, and its most significant aspects, kneels with them in open position. The tower slave, of course, like any other slave, is fully at the disposal of the master, in any and every way. The distinction between the tower slave and the pleasure slave, though honored in some markets, some specializing in girls sold primarily for housekeeping purposes and others in girls sold primarily for the pleasures of men, is not really a hard and fast distinction; it is not absolute; indeed, it can even be transitory. A girl who is ordered to open her knees, or who finds them kicked apart, for example, realizes that she has now become a pleasure slave. Similarly a girl in one context may function as one kind of slave and in another context, as another sort. Serving supper to a young man and his mother, for example, the girl may appear merely efficient and deferential. She kneels nearby, her knees closed. After the mother departs, however, she may kneel differently before the young man, with her knees open, his."

"Blood Brothers of Gor" (page107


Collaring Position
Also called "the Position of Female Submission." In this position the slave kneels at the Master's feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication.


Kneel to the Coffle
The girls kneel, closely, one behind the other, as their left wrists are placed in wrist rings; this is usually followed by the order to stand and then the order "Lower chain" where the girls lower their wrists. Thusly they are then in line, standing, coffled.
("Slave Girl of Gor: p. 127)

Kneel to the Whip
Kajira kneels, head to the floor, arms crossed beneath her, back exposed in preparation to be beaten. In this position the slave first assumes the Nadu position, though with her arms crossed in front of her. She then leans forward and places her head to the floor, first sweeping her hair forward over her shoulders in order that her back might be utterly exposed to the whip

I crossed my wrists beneath me and touched my head to the floor, exposing the bow of my back. It is the submissive posture of a slave girl who is to be punished. It is called Kneeling to the Whip. I shook, visibly, at his feet. I whimpered. I waited for him to call a guard, to bring the lash.

"Slave Girl of Gor" (page 200)


"Kneel to the whip," said Samos.
Piteously she knelt, a slave girl. Her wrists were crossed under her, as though bound, her head was to the floor, the bow of her back was exposed. She shuddered. I had little doubt but what this slave knew well, and much feared, the disciplining kiss of the Gorean slave lash.

"Marauders of Gor" (page 13)


Terrified, she, as the expression is, knelt to the whip, assuming the position of the slave girl who is to be punished, her wrists crossed beneath her as though bound and her head touching the floor, leaving the bow of her back exposed.

"Priest Kings of Gor" (pages 201-202)


"I went to Targo, trembling, and knelt at his feet... I crossed my wrists beneath me and touched my head to the floor, exposing the bow of my back. It is the submissive posture of a slave girl who is to be punished. It is called Kneeling to the Whip."

Captive of Gor...page 200

Leading position, said Drusus Rencius.
I swiftly put my head down and felt his fingers lock themselves deeply in my hair. I turned my head and pressed my lips suddenly, helplessly, to his thigh, kissing him. He twisted my head cruelly to the side, holding it there, turned, so that my lips could not touch him.

"Kajira of Gor" (page 134)


The slave was pulled to her feet. She was roughly turned about. The hand of Tenalion's man was then in her hair, fastening itself deeply therein. It was like the closed talon of a bird of prey. She, bound, held, was helpless. She cried out softly, so held, startled, in pain. Then, bent over, her wrists confined in the cruel, encircling binding fiber, that which I had earlier put well on her, holding them so mercilessly, so helplessly, behind her back, her head at his hip, stumbling, weeping, she was conducted swiftly from our presence.

"Mercenaries of Gor" (page 437)


I then snapped my fingers and held my right hand, open, at my hip. Swiftly the girl rose to her feet and, half crouching, put her head by my hand. I fastened the fingers of my hand deeply and firmly in her red hair. She winced, and kissed at my thigh. I then, the goblet of paga in my left hand, her hair in my right, dragged her beside me, her slender chains rustling, to the nearest alcove.

"Rogue of Gor" (page 597)


"`Leading position,' he said.
Sobbing, she rose to her feet, and put her head down, at what would be the height of a man's waist, her legs flexed. A guard walked over and fastened his hand in her hair.
`Have her whipped,' said Policrates.
`Yes, Captain,' said the man. He then left the chamber, pulling the girl, sobbing, at his side."

"Rogue of Gor" (page 248)


"I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair."

"Beasts of Gor" (page 409)


In a moment I had left the building, pulling the captive behind me, her head down at my waist, in leading position.

Mercenaries of Gor...pgs 399-400


Leading Position
Kajira walks behind the Master and puts her head to Master's hip in order to be led. The slave hurries to Masters side, bends at the waist pressing her head against his left hip...her hair falling forward. .. waits for Master to lead her by her hair or her collar... note:if Master is right handed go to his right side.

Leasha/Lesha (Leash)
Kajira clasps her hands behind her back in readiness for bracelets. She holds her head up and turned left ready for the leash.

~Quote of References: Leasha position~

"Leasha!" he said. Immediately, responsive to this command, I flung my wrists behind me, separated by some two inches, and lifted my chin, my head turned to the left. I felt slave bracelets flung, snapping shut, on my wrists. I was braceleted. In another moment I was leashed.

"Dancer of Gor" (page 365)


"Lesha," snapped the second officer to the blond girl.
She spun from facing him, and lifted her chin, turning her head to the left, placing her wrists behind her, as though for snapping them into slave bracelets.

"Explorers of Gor" (page 76)


Some girls beg to be leashed, sometimes crawling to their masters, their leash held between their small, fine teeth. Most masters use the leash at one time or another. A gorean saying has it that a leashed slave is a hot slave.

Fighting Slave of Gor...page 366

Maintaining Position
When a master places a girl in position, it is imperative that she does not break it until commanded to do so.

I did not break position. I had not been given permission. Perhaps he kept me in position to discipline me. I did not know. I was afraid to break position. I told myself, of course, that this was rational, that he might wake and discover me out of position, or that, perhaps, at times, he was not truly asleep, but was, through half-closed eyes, watching me, to see if I, in the slightest, moved. But in my heart I know I had not broken position because he had not given me permission to do so, because he had not released me from his command. I was terribly afraid of him. I was afraid to break position. I was obeying him.

"Slave Girl of Gor" (page 35)

A girl, incidentally, in the position of the Gorean pleasure slave, but who is not being kept in position as a discipline, in which case she remains rigid, is allowed much subtle latitude, which she exploits, without breaking the position. Sometimes, as she becomes animated, she rises a bit from her heels, sometimes her hands move on her thighs, her shoulders and belly move, her head moves, her eyes are live and vital, she speaks and laughs, and, radiantly, every inch, every bit, of her alive, converses lyrically and delightedly.

"Slave Girl of Gor" (page 36)

At the time I did not realize how light had been my discipline considering the gravity of my offense. I had both spoken without permission, and broken position without permission. Most simply, I had been displeasing to a free man.

"Slave Girl of Gor" (pages 34-35)


A command used by the Master when He wishes the slave to cuddle.

According to the book quote given below, the proper response to the command, "nestle", is for the girl to cuddle in the crook of the Master's arm. The quote below shows the Master lying down, however on the occasions on-line that the command is used, the Master is seated and the girl can be on His lap or to His side. Either way of course is delicious.

The slave kneels and touches her forehead to the floor, she stretches her arms out before her with palms face down and fingers spread.

Quote of References: Prostrate (karta: -this word not found in books though is often used in training in teaching slaves in this online realm about entering homes and presence of Free...}

"I straightened my body. I then hurried to the vicinity of the guest, who was sitting at the right hand of Eito, the host. I knelt before the guest, putting the palms of my hands on the floor and my head to the tiles. I then lifted my head, keeping the palms of my hands on the floor."

Kajira of gor: page 305

Nadu (Kneel)
This is the primary position of the slave. Kajira kneels with thighs parted widely for the master's pleasure (if she is a pleasure slave, that is. Tower slaves keep their knees together). Her back and shoulders are straight, breasts thrust forward, belly in, hands on her thighs palms down (or up, in a silent plea for a Master to use her sexually). Her head is up and her eyes are lowered. A slave may kneel like this for a prolonged time so posture is important not only for appearance but also for comfort."Nadu!" he snapped.
She swiftly turned, facing him, and dropped to her knees. She knelt back on her heels, her back straight, her hands on her thighs, her head up, her knees wide.
It was the position of the pleasure slave.

"Explorers of Gor" (page 77)


Ulrick had told me that certain kinds of slaves, house slaves, 'tower slaves,' and such, whatever they were, might kneel with their knees together, but I had also been informed that I, and the other girls, were not such slaves. For us, at any rate, for whatever sort of slave we were, the open-kneed position was commanded. Too, I felt that it was the one which was right for me, at least before men.

"Dancer of Gor" (page 85)


"Kneel, back on your heels," said the trainer to the dark-haired woman. "Straighten your back, suck in your gut, put your shoulders back, thrust out your breasts, spread your knees, widely, lift your chin, put your hands on your thighs. You are not going to be sold as a Tower Slave, Lady Tina. You are going to be sold as a Pleasure Slave."

"Kajira of Gor" (page 141)


She knelt in the position of the Pleasure Slave but her hands on her thighs had unconsciously, pleadingly, turned their palms to me, and she no longer knelt quite back on her heels. It was as though she begged to be allowed to lift and open her arms and rise and come to my arms. But as I looked upon her sternly she turned her palms again to her thighs, knelt back on her heels and dropped her head, holding her eyes as if by force of will fixed on the plastic beneath my sandals.

"Priest Kings of Gor" (pages 234-235)


In all these kneeling positions, incidentally, even that of the pleasure slave, the Gorean woman carries herself well; her back is straight and her chin is high. She tends to be vital and beautiful to look upon.

"Priest Kings of Gor" (page 46)


"He suddenly snapped his fingers and, in the swift double gesture of the Gorean Master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before him, almost simultaneously turning his hand, spreading the first and index fingers, pointing downwards. I fled to him and knelt before him, my knees in the dirt, in the position of the pleasure slave, my head down, trembling."

"Captive of Gor" (page 143)


Seeing my eyes upon her she then knelt on the surface of the couch, kneeling back on her heels, spreading her knees, straightening her back, lifting her head, and putting her hands on her thighs. It is a common kneeling position for a female slave.

Many more quotes to be found in books of John Norman on the position of Nadu

There are many forms of obeisance which can be performed. The dictionary definition of the word is "an act of reverence: an expression of respect

~Quote of References: Obeisance~

At his entrance Susan put the palms of her hands on the floor and lowered her head to the tiles, assuming a position of slave obeisance common with her in the presence of her master. I wondered if Ligurious's slave master required this position of all of his women. I supposed so.
(See also "Kneeling")

"Kajira of Gor" (page 157)


Swiftly we assumed a common form of slave obeisance, kneeling, the palms of our hands on the ground, our heads to the ground. Many masters, though it tends to be rather associated usually with given cities, require this position of their girls, usually when they first enter his presence or find themselves, as in a room which he has entered, in his presence. She is then, usually, when given permission, permitted to lift her head, but is to remain kneeling before him, beautifully, in a standard position, her knees closed if she is a house or tower slave, her knees open if she was the sort of slave I was, whatever sort of slave that was supposed to be.

"Dancer of Gor" (page 115)


"You may do obeisance, my dear," said Kliomenes.
The girl rose to her feet and went to Kliomenes. She knelt before him, on the dais, and put her head down. Gently, softly, she licked and kissed his feet. She then rose again to her feet, backed away, and then, on the tiles, again knelt. She put the palms of her hands upon the tiles, and lowered her head to the tiles. Then she straightened up, her back straight, assuming the position of a pleasure slave, though keeping her head bowed, deferentially.

"Rogue of Gor" (page 299)


"There are many ways to perform obeisance. "I said.
"I am a free woman," she said, " I know none of them."
"I shall instruct you briefly in three," I said. " First kneel before me , back on your heels, yes, with your knees wide, wider, your hands on your thighs, your back straight, your breasts out, good, your belly in, good, and now lower your head in deference, in submission."
"Now that," I said, " may not be exactly a form of obeisance, for authorities do not all agree, but for our purposes we shall count it as one. It is, at any rate, a beautiful position, and it is, certainly, a common position of slave submission."
"Now" I said, " and this is clearly a form of obeisance, bend forward and put your head to the mat, the palms of your hands on the mat. Good. Now lift your head little and come forward, substantially keeping the position. Forward a little more."
"But then my face will be at your feet," she said, "My lips will be over them!"
"Yes," I said, "Good, now, put your head down and lick and kiss my feet."
"I am a free Woman!" she said.
"You are a woman," I said," now softly lingeringly, and lovingly, Good."
"I am not a slave," she said.
"All women are slaves, "I said " Imagine what this would be like if you were truly a collared slave."
She gasped.
"Now" I said, "for a third form of obeisance. You may belly to me."
"I do not understand," she whispered.
"There are various forms of bellying, " I said, and bellying may be suitably and pleasingly combined with other forms of floor movements, approaching the Master on all fours, turning to your sides and back, writhing before him, and so on. We will take a very simple variation, suitable for an ignorant free female who has not yet even begun to discover the depths of her sexuality."
She looked up at me.
"On your belly," I said. She backed off a bit , and went to her belly. her hair was before her face, as she now on her belly before me looked up at me.
"Now inch forward," I said, " remaining low on your belly, and when you reach my feet, once again, as before, lifting your head a little, tenderly and humbly, and beautifully, as though you were a slave, lick and kiss them. Good. Good.
Now take my foot and place it gently on your head. Very good. Now place it again on the Mat, and kiss it again. Good. You may now belly back a little, humbly. I have not yet given you permission to rise of course."

"Mercenaries of Gor" pages 409-411


When this command is given, the slave runs toward her objective, taking short rapid steps with her legs almost straight, her feet harely leaving the floor. As she moves her back is straight, her head is turned up to the left, and her arms are at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45 degree angle to her body. Upon approaching the object, she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of Nadu.

The proper response to this command, one needs to consider the context. The correct response in the midst of the games of the Wagon Peoples is not the appropriate response within a tavern. slave girls are sometimes taught to run in a stylized fashion, with straight legs using short, rapid steps that hardly touch the floor. The back is held straight with the head turned to the left, and the arms are at her sides with palms facing outward at a 45-degree angle

(Sometimes known as the "dicipline of the she-quadruped") This is either a position assumed on all fours for being used from behind or a discipline under which a kajira is put where she must act like a she-sleen, unable to communicate except in whimpers. Also known as "assuming the modality of the she-quadruped." In this position, the slave falls to her hands and knees, her head down on the floor, her hindquarters upthrust for viewing and/or her Master's pleasure. "Serving in the modality of the she-quadruped" is an instruction whereby the slave performs her regular duties upon hands and knees, without the benefit of the use of her hands. In this mode she may not rise to her feet and may use only her mouth and teeth to grasp and manipulate objects.

A slave under the discipline of the she-quadruped goes about on her hands and knees as though she were a four-legged animal. The girl goes to all fours, going about on their hands and knees performing tasks, and perhaps tricks, as directed. The slave is permitted to use her hands only as a means of locomotion. she is not allowed to use human speech, and must communicate by means of animal noises used to signal the intentions or meanings normally given to words. The girl must often times eat and drink as an animal, lapping water from a puddle, and eating without the aid of her hands. The phrase she-sleen is often used when referring to a woman, either Free or slave. In the books women have been compared to the sleen in a similar manner as women of earth when given the qualities of felines or female canines, e.g. "catty" or "bitch". The phrase tends to imply the woman is like the sleen, vicious and nasty until tamed by the stronger Man. When the phrase "she-sleen" is used as a command, the slave mimics the position of the animal she is thought to be and assumes the modality of the she-quadruped.

When told to assume the modality of the she-quadruped, one would move to their hands and feet (unless bound or under another command, such as belly, that would prevent them from doing so) and would whimper softly, once, to show that they understood. If it was believed that the command was given in punishment, the slave might approach the Master, kissing and licking at His boots or curling about them to beg His forgiveness. The slave would then serve, do chores, and follow whatever instructions were given to her in this mode until she was told she was no longer under the modality or discipline of the she-quadruped.

Psychologically the slave while in she-quadruped learns what is it to be female. she is reduced to level of an animal. In this mode of serving, the slave realizes her status and position; that she is owned, dominated, and dependent upon her Master for her very life. This position is often used to discipline or to teach a new slave her place. It is a powerful tool for instruction. In requiring a slave to rethink how to obtain a paga bowl and fill it, how to greet guests, and how to serve the Free without using hands or voice, it forces a slave to think differently about their actions and can bring new life to one that may have been feeling complacent or bored


In this form of slavery, which is commonly used for disciplinary purposes, or for the amusement of the Master, the woman is not permitted to arise from all fours; similarly she is not permitted human speech, though she may signify needs and desires by such means as cringing, and moaning and whimpering. Not permitted the use of her hands, save as a means of locomotion, she must also eat and drink from pans set on the floor, or, sometimes to satisfy her thirst, she must lap the water permitted to her from puddles or lick spillages from the tiles; too, it is no uncommon to chain her near her master's feet, while he dines, that he may, if he wishes, throw her scraps of food. She will also be taught tricks, through which paces she may be put for the entertainment of her master's guests, such things as begging, lying down, rolling over, and fetching his sandals in her teeth. And, needless to say, when her master wishes to use her sexually, it will be a position common to the she-quadruped.
"Guardsman of Gor" (page 225)


In this discipline the female is forbidden human speech. She is also forbidden human posture, in the sense that she is not allowed to rise to her feet. Her locomotion, unless commanded to roll, or put under similar commands, suitable for a pet, will be on all fours. Her food will be thrown to her, or put in pans on the ground. In either case, she must feed without the use of her hands. She may also, of course, be fed by hand, but, again, will not be permitted to touch the food with her hands. She may be taught tricks. Sometimes these are taught as functions of arbitrary sounds, so that she must learn them as any animal might, without the benefit of an earlier understanding of the word used. If she is slow to learn, of course, she is punished, as would be any other animal. When used, too, it will commonly be in the modality of the she-quadrupled. This discipline is often used as a punishment, but it may figure in the training of a new girl. It helps her to understand what she now is, an animal totally subject to her master.

"Mercenaries of Gor" (pages 215-216)


"Girl," I said to her.
She, addressed, scrambled to her knees. She kept her head down. She whimpered.
"She does not speak," said Boabissia.
"She is perhaps under the discipline of the she-quadruped," I said.
The girl whimpered, looking at us, nodding her head affirmatively. Then she put down her head, again.

"Mercenaries of Gor" (page 215)


Melina, now a naked slave in sleen collar, was ordered forth on her hands and knees. A sleen leash was attached to her collar and she was marched, as a she-sleen, crawling, abused, to the rape-rack.

"Slave Girl of Gor" (page 238)


"In what slavery, or slaveries, will master place me?" she asked.
I looked at her position. "Perhaps in these slavery of the she-quadruped," I said.
"Master may do so, if he wishes," she said, "if it pleases him, or amuses him."

"Guardsman of Gor" (page 225


"Slaver's Kiss" (Slaver's Caress) Position
This is somewhat of an action, since the slave is taken by surprize when done.
The slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and lowers her head to the ground, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread, exposing her hindquarters fully in preparation for the caress of the leather against her body.

Then, before I could realize what he intended, he had subjected Miss Cardwell to what, among slavers, is known as the Whip Caress. Ideally it is done, as Kamchak had, unexpectedly, taking the girl unawares. Elizabeth suddenly cried out throwing her head to one side. I observed to my amazement the sudden, involuntary, uncontrollable response to the touch. The Whip Caress is commonly used among Slavers to force a girl to betray herself.

Nomads of Gor...pg 168


Her movements were wooden. The crowd was not pleased. There was only a two gold piece bid. Then taking the whip from the whip slave the auctioneer stepped to the disconsolate girl; suddenly, without warning, he administered to her the Slaver's caress, the whip caress, and her response was utterly, uncontrollably, wild, helpless. She regarded him in horror. The crowd howled with delight.

Assassin of Gor...pg 294

~Quote of References: Slave lips~

Similarly, I was not required to respond to certain sorts of commands, for example, to make "slave lips," pursing my lips for kissing, or to writhe slowly before my viewers.

Kajira of Gor...pg...224

Slave Lips
When this command is given, the slave turns her head up to the Master, her lips pursed in a sensual kissing position. She remains motionless, her lips thusly puckered, and may not move until she is granted the kiss of a Master.

Kajira kneels, with her back straight. She raises her arms and crosses her wrists ready for binding, head lowered. This is the position assumed when a woman submits to a man as his slave.

Submit!" he boomed at the large, blond girl and, terrified, almost leaping, she lowered her head, thrusting forward her hands, wrists crossed.

"Raiders of Gor" (page 93)


"I can force you to take me," she said.
"How?" I asked.
"Like this," she responded, kneeling before me, lowering her head and lifting her arms, the wrists crossed. She laughed. "Now you must take me with you or slay me."
I cursed her, for she took unfair advantage of the Warrior Codes of Gor. "What is the submission of Talena, the daughter of the Ubar, worth?" I taunted.
"Nothing," she said. "But you must accept it or slay me."

"Tarnsman of Gor" (page 109)


"Step before me naked," said Rask of Treve.
I did so.
We faced one another, not speaking, he with his blade, and in his leather, I with nothing, stripped at his command.
"Submit," he said.
I could not disobey him.
I fell to my knees before him, resting on my heels, extending my arms to him, wrists crossed, as though for binding, my head lowered, between my arms.
I spoke in a clear voice. "I, Miss Elinor Brinton, of New York City, to the Warrior, Rask, of the High City of Treve, herewith submit myself as a slave girl. At his hands I accept my life and my name, declaring myself his to do with as he pleases."

"Captive of Gor" (page 283)


"Submit," he said.
She looked at me, wildly, piteously. I aided her. I showed her how to kneel back on her heels, her arms extended to him, wrists crossed, her head down, between her arms. "Say, 'I submit,'" I said. "I submit," she said. He bound her wrists tightly before her body.

"Slave Girl of Gor" (page 401)


She came and stood before me, and then dropped to her knees, resting back on her heels. She lowered her head and extended her arms, wrists crossed, the submission of the Gorean female.

"Raiders of Gor" (page 92)


He twisted her hair more. She winced, her back bent painfully. "Do you wish me to submit to you now?" she begged. "Do so," said he. She fell to her knees before him, and lifted her head to regard him. "I will be your slave," she said. Then, she knelt back on her heels, lowered her head, and lifted and extended her arms, wrists crossed, as though for binding. She was very beautiful. "I am your slave," she said, "- Master."

"Hunters of Gor" (page 16)

Sula (Back) or Prone Position
Kajira lies on her back, her hands at her sides palms open and up. Her legs are spread widely apart, ready for whatever uses or disciplines a master wishes to place upon her.


"Sula, Kajira!" he said.
She slid her legs from under her and lay on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, her legs open.

"Explorers of Gor" (page 77)


"Lie down upon it," I told her, "on your back, your head to the floor."
She did so.
"No, please," she said, "not like this." It is a common position for a disciplinary slave rape. In it the woman feels very vulnerable, very helpless.
I then took her.

"Explorers of Gor" (page 202

Then she lay on her back, her knees drawn up, before me. She arched her back. Her breasts were lifted beautifully. I observed their lovely rise and fall, correlated with the respiratory cycle of her small lungs. Then she lay back, her shoulders in the dirt, and pressing against the earth with her small feet, piteously lifted before me, for my examination, and seizure, if I pleased, the deep belly of her, the sweet cradle of her slave's heat.

Explorers of Gor...pg. 329


Sula-Ki, or "Alternative Sula
This position is almost identical to the Sula position, except once the slave has assumed the Sula position she slowly lifts her hips up off the floor, as if beckoning him with her body, encouraging her sexual use by him.

Then she lay on her back, her knees drawn up, before me. She arched her back. Her breasts were lifted beautifully. I observed their lovely rise and fall, correlated with the respiratory cycle of her small lungs. Then she lay back, her shoulders in the dirt, and pressing against the earth with her small feet, piteously lifted before me, for my examination, and seizure, if I pleased, the deep belly of her, the sweet cradle of her slave's heat.

Explorers of Gor...pg. 329

The slave goes to all 4, locking her elbows, makes her back smooth and level, she holds her head level with her back.

Tower position:
There is another variation of Nadu in which the slave kneels the same way, but with her palms down and her knees modestly together. This variation is Position and is typically reserved for underage or white-silk slavegirls, or slavegirls who serve their Master in a non-sexual way, such as a Tower Slave or female Work Slave.

"The position of the Tower Slave, in which Vika knelt, differs from that of a free woman only in the position of the wrists which are held before her and, when not occupied, crossed as though for binding. A free woman's wrists are never so placed."

Priest-Kings of Gor: --pg.46


Aphris of Turia, pleased with herself, assumed her place between the merchant and Kamchak, kneeling back on her heels in the position of the Gorean Free Woman. Her back was very straight and her head high, in the Gorean fashion.

Nomads of Gor.. pg 94


"Kneel," I said. " Kneel?" she asked. "That is my first order," I said. She regarded me. "Do you not know how a woman serves at table?" I asked. .... "You may keep your knees together," I said, "as you are a free woman."

Renegades of Gor.... pg. 69


When this command is given, the slave turns in a graceful pirouette, her hair swinging. She then walks, gliding across the room, her feet hardly seeming to leave the floor, her hips swaying sensually, her body erect and proud. When she reaches her objective she halts and stands, her body erect, her shoulders back, her chest thrust forward, her belly in. She turns her hip out a bit, her hands at her sides, and points one foot. Her head is up and her eyes are lowered.

The books do not seem to describe specifically how slaves are to walk, other than slaves do walk sensually, gracefully, and proudly. However, the books to say that much time is spent in teaching slaves how to walk in order to please masters. There is a Turian knee walk that is mentioned as being used by slave dancers, but is not otherwise described. (Often the same quote will be incorrectly used to reference a command knee walk, which should instead refer to knee crawl.) When instructed to walk, the slave should move gracefully and seductively to the Master. Other descriptions, as long as they do not interfere with the ongoings of the room may include turning in a pirouette, hair swinging, hips swaying, gliding so that the feet hardly seem to leave the floor, body erect and proud, shoulders back, chest forward, belly in, eyes lowered, stopping with hip turned out, placement of hands at sides, placement of feet, and toes pointed.

When the command "lap" is given, the slave girl has been ordered into the Master's lap. she does not necessarily sit, she may be draped over His legs with her body exposed for His caresses and viewing pleasure.

To obey the command, the slave climbs upon or into the Master's lap. she may begin to kiss, caress, feed, or otherwise pleasure and tend to His needs, depending upon the wish of the Master. she may go to His lap with graceful and elegant motions, she may be brazen and forward, or she may leap into His arms.

~The kajira purrs softly, stretching her arms forward and crawling to Him with the feline grace of a larl. Placing a tender hand upon His knee, she pulls herself up. Slowly, she then raises her knee and parts her thighs, trailing pointed toes delicately across the top of His lap. Settling herself upon Him, she draws herself closer to Him, wriggling her tush a bit for good measure. Placing her hand upon His chest, she arches her back and tosses her ash~blonde hair behind her shoulders, displaying herself well for Him before leaning in, her lips brushing against His ear as she whispers:~ Yes, Master.

The command is often given with multiple girls, who kneel, in order of first slave to last, closely, one behind the other. With the command "left wrist coffle" the left wrist is raised to be placed within the wrist rings. This might be followed by the order to stand and the order "lower chain" where the slaves lower their wrists. Thus the slaves are then in line, standing, coffled, ready to be moved or displayed.
In the books the command is "stand" or "stand as a slave." This is done according to the quote as back straight, head high, belly sucked in, breasts thrust out, hip slightly turned. In addition, one might add personal touches, such as placing one foot in front of the other, front knee bent, or pointing the toes. However that is merely personal preference, not given in the book. ~The girl curls her toes beneath her, moving her weight back over her heels and pushing herself to standing. Raising the crown of her head as high as she can, the slave lowers her eyes and presses her shoulders back as she sucks in her gut to display her figure well. Shifting her weight ever so slightly so that she may better turn her hip, she raises a delicate hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, silver-blue eyes glancing quickly as a soft smile crosses her features, only to disappear as she drops her hand once again. Feeling her heart pound under the scrutiny of watchful eyes, she slightly turns her arms so that her soft palms face more forward, exposed.~

Thanks to the following Sources for information on this page
Moon Productions
Gorean Library of knowledge
John Normans books on gor
The Central Fire
The Gorean Cave
FLN Training comm
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