Water's Edge
Water's Edge

Please, please sit down, have a cup of tea, and some bisquites too. Here at the Water's Edge we have something to share with you. Don't worry about the boumdaries of sanity being blurred, it's just a normal side effect, let your mind blur with it. Give up all your precepts of truth, ever pillar of strength or sense of security, and delve deep in the unknown. Ok so who thinks I'm over doing it a bit? Perhaps one day when the fates have deemed it neccasary more shall be added, but for now this is all you get.

The following section is a collection of those pieces belonging to Poetic Literature that I have been too lazy to incorporate with the rest of the pieces because updating shockwave sites is a little more of a pain in the ass then HTML. Hell I havn't even put these files into HTML I'm just uploading the text files. At some point I plan to update the schockwave section and put these pieces in it, when that will actually occur is anyones guess. Oh and in Case your wondering what the giant link/word Kurplachia is doing below this, that is the random word I made up so I would have something to call the folder I put these files in.
