Light v. Darkness

I am the light of a glorious star,
I give brilliant heat to creatures afar,
You are darkness and cannot be seen 
Without me - you have never been.

With all your sparkle of fervent strife,
You do need my qualities to give life,
I am the black, cold, obscure night,
Within my vast you spread your light.

To begin a stir I warm the earth,
For matter to create new birth,
All beings on this water-rich sphere
The shadow of the unknown - they fear.

The unveiled unknown, profound and deep,
Creatures endeavor to sense what I keep,
Under your raging flames they suffer pain,
Light - you mislead - your heat is insane.

Light then dark - motion followed by rest,
A play of opposites in balance at best,
Stepping in harmony - right or wrong,
Silence and Sounds make the universal song.

Written by Henriette, 2003




Picture of Mooloolaba, taken by Henriette.