Wassercrat's Home Page
Update: Read carefully! This is a parody that should not be taken seriously.
Note: the imposters page is an imposter. The link in question has been corrected.
Let me state a thing or two about programming languages.

One big reason for people liking Perl is that it's a quick, compact language. I'm glad I know a little perl, but  still I'm fearing the demise of Perl. Both Python and Java have gained on Perl since January 2000. I might consider switching to another language if this trend persists.

Allegations like the "worst of wassercrats quotations" in the Perlmonks forum don't make life easier for me anyway.

I don't need to get any better at debugging or testing, and my programming ways don't need to change.

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Where do you want to go toady today?
Godzilla's not me. Beyond that, I ain't sayin'. It is our function to proficiently innovate our interactive interfaces.


The following text, partly written in German, serves as an example to heuristic spam and sense detection, preferably done by a CGI Pearl script.

Der folgende Text dient als Test fuer heuristische Systeme, welche, in Perl geschrieben, aehnlich zuverlaessig wie ein menschlicher Betrachter, Sinn oder Unsinn vorliegender Texte unterscheiden koennen sollen. Dies beruehrt den Bereich der kuenstlichen Intelligenz. Einfachere heuristische Systeme dieser Art sind Programme wie Spam Assassin.

Ich ziehe nicht Notwendigkeit an, am Ausprüfen oder an der Prüfung irgendwie besser zu erhalten, und meine programmierenweisen brauchen nicht zu ändern.

Something completely different: a text with random links

WENN es denn mal passiert an wen kann man sisch wenden? Meinten Sie Verzeichnisverknupfung im lokalen Verzeichnisbaum oder ging es vielmehr um den Verstock geloischte gefunden werden?
Mit solchen oder aehnlcihen Texten versuchen Spam-Scripte im sogenannten Formularspam Ihre Blogs und Webseiten zu ueberfluten. Dazu kommt es zuweilen zu Ergebnissen, die Walker E. Fish enthalten oder andere unrealistisch anmutenden Namen. Statistiken und Altlasten werden wertlose Links und Adresslisten entnommen und f�r teures Geld verkauft, ohne auf einer Seite, von der Sie wissen, dass sie existiert verifiziert worden zu sein. Der Computer ordnet die Dateibrocken anders an als das menschliche Gehirn. Ausschlussliste Bei verschiedenen Funktionen und Geriten liegen daher nur bedingt vor.
Wurde versucht auf meinen PC einzubrechen? Justin Case, Editor in Chief als vermeintlicher Absender kann Ihnen dabei nicht helfen.
Better handle the high volume of spam
, oder auch Ansehen oder wiederherstellen von $1 ergibt immer noch einen Text den der menschliche Leser oder ein einigermassen geeignetes heuristisches System, in Perl geschrieben, leicht als solchen erkennen koennte. Doch es gilt zu beachten, bei der Filterunng nicht unberechtigt sinnvolle Inhalte herauszufiltern. Doch wie sinnvoll waere eine Suchdienst fuer den Tierfreund, ein Gallery bei Google oder eine Linksammlung fuer Perl - Programmierer? Der Kontext muss immer beachtet werden. Immer den Kontext beachten! Bei Lorem Ipsum dem bekannten Blindtext handelt sich es vermutlich um verstuemmelte Bruchstücke aus Ciceros Werk De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum. Jeder Dialog findet in einem konkreten Umfeld statt. Das Bewusstsein für Realitäten, wie historische Erfahrung, sich über den eigenen Kontext hinaus und im Austausch mit den anderen Beteiligten austauschen. So werden verschiedene Techniken wie Webdesign, Programmierung einem anderen Kontext zugeordnet als die gleichen Textbausteine in gesellschaftlichem Konext. Zur Beurteilung des Sinngehalts oder dessen Fehlens, muss dies zwingend beachtet werden.

<FONT face=3DArial size=3D2> Hello! <BR> = according to our inquiry are 86% Menschen  at your age with its monthly = dissatisfied and became it comes in gladly erh&#246;hen. Therefore i = CH might have offered a Teilzeitbesch&#228;ftigung to you. In order to earn from 232 to 754 European Union = ro per week, you had w&#246;chentlich  from 2 to 4 Stu = nden arbeiten.<BR> They need a telephone mobile telephone, a PC and = InterNet. If you read these lines k&#246;nnen, joints you &#252;be = r of everything, in order to begin with your job. The search for new coworker = n lasts to end of the monthly,; up to now we have 88 free places in  work on = of our customers. That is the light work, which however ensure = f&#228;ltigkeit and P&#252;nktlichkeit presupposes. They are Inge-trained by us e = and get everything that t.<BR> f&#252;r this work necessarily is =; No starting capital is gebraucht.<BR> by you; Who are we? W = IR is a gro&#223;er of <BR>multinationaler Autoverk&#228;ufer. If SI = e to decide are to work f&#252;r us ours = e agency to the Verf&#252;gung 5% with the purchase of a car of us aluminium = s zus&#228;tzlichen bonus places discount to you and helps you if it necessarily is too kriegen.<BR>, = an EN credit daf&#252;r; We w&#252;rden  , it you make us happy m = the zus&#228;tzlichen information to unterst&#252;tzen. We do not use = automated answer programs, each E-Mail by us read =  und pers&#246;nlich are answered. <BR> Around our E-Mail too accelerate = n, send you please to my e-Mail:<B>JustinCase@example.com </B> egg = Brief.<BR> nen; Carry please the following data ein:<BR> 1. Ihren name = n<BR> 2. Ihr Alter<BR> 3. Ihr Land<BR> Say Ihne = n in advance the m&#246;chte I that our answer can reach you only in 1-4 working days =, because our Mailserver &#252;berlastet is. But I can do you itself = ern,   that your transmission will be read and answered. <BR><BR> =

Helfen Sie uns, die Suche zu verbessern. Bewahren Sie uns in Zukunft vor Angeboten wie Replica Watches for Low Prices, und bitte klicken Sie weder absichtlich noch versehentlich auf einen solchen Link Ignorieren Sie diesen Link. Behalten Sie zu uns zukünftig von den Angeboten wie Replik-Uhren für niedrige Preise, und klicken Sie Sie bitte weder absichtlich noch auf solchem links, Sie unbeabsichtigt ignorierend diese links.

Other dummy texts

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet sem. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi venenatis tortor ac purus. Nam tincidunt justo sed ligula. Suspendisse scelerisque. Nullam molestie. Proin id erat. Donec libero pede, sodales sit amet, rhoncus in, malesuada elementum, quam. Nulla dictum. Nam lacinia dui non eros congue dictum. Donec consectetuer dolor id tortor sollicitudin sollicitudin. In ac mauris. Proin nec arcu a leo volutpat fermentum. Questa e ulmangumsor ce kut rs fta fiourwlang s omporsssteamerylllsb seatity fionar be s gat emoply t moraloses midecrgone.

Very likely the source of such quasi-well-formed bits of spam is a random text generator. We notice bits like this more readily than word salad, and messages with such text are more likely to make it through content-based spam filters. Nonsense generates random (and sometimes humorous) text from datafiles and templates using a very simple, recursive grammar. It's like having a million monkeys sitting in front of a million typewriters, without having to feed or clean up after them. Rmutt is another of the plethora of random text generation utilites. Another painful annoyance are browser malfunctions like teh Liesmich Vulnerability which blocks windows computers by opening and closing new windows unless they used a popup blocker. Yet another painful annoyance are worm programs which propagate onto their computer. There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain. Publishing its latest report Director George Kidd said: "The use of text messaging to promote premium rate services has many obvious consumer benefits when carried out in a legitimate, responsible manner and in compliance with our Code of Practice. The depth parameter controls how many previous characters each character depends upon. For example, if depth = 0 then each character is chosen independently of all the rest. If depth = 4, then each character is chosen according to the conditional distribution given the most recent 4 characters. Yesterday's story about Projectmeat.org triggered a massive attack on their website, causing 5 servers to literally explode. At least 3 employees were injured by flying sparks, but none seriously. We really do apologize for this massive denial-of-service attack: Slashdot needs to use its power for good, not evil. Brief Survey Of Minority Retrospectives In The 21st Century. And Opera Browser really sucks. We resolve to professionally integrate our world-class assets so that hopefully we may enhance key players to permit us to produce cash for our head honchos. It is our function to proficiently innovate our interactive interfaces. We work to facilitate infrastructures to permit us to produce more earnings for our workers and successfully market an overhyped weak product. It's our obligation to extend visionary skill sets and vision as part of our business plan to shellac the rest of the industry. Net access was severaly disrupted earlier today by an errant backhoe that accidentally cut two major net backbone cables near Palo Alto, California. Preliminary reports indicate that as much as 34% of all US-based websites were offline for as many as three hours. The backhoe operator, "Bubba" Womack, says that he "pulled the wrong lever". A full investigation by the FCC will commence as soon as the department receives sufficient funding. A bored grad student at Harry S Truman Ivy League College created a modern art sculpture in the campus courtyard made entirely out of old 386 computers. The cool part is that this Rube Goldberg-like contraption actually works -- part of it is a fully functional Beowulf cluster! The Computer Science Club's website is served by the cluster.

Microsoft Life SearcH: Helfen Sie uns, die Suche zu verbessern.

WITH such or aehnlcihen texts Spam Scripte in the so-called form Spam try to flood your Blogs and web pages. In addition it comes occasionally to results, cube wanderer, whom E. Fish or other unrealistically seeming names contain. Statistics and refuse dumps become worthless connections, which and address lists sell and fie¿½r expensive money taken, without on a side, from which you know that, it to be existed verified. The computer arranges cube file breaking into differently than the human brain. Exclusion list with different functioning and Geriten lie therefore only conditionally forwards tried on my PC to break in? Justin case, leading publisher as alleged senders can not help you thereby.