A note of encouragement from a U.S. Veteran

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We, in America, have the Veterans Administration (Federal) to look after us in the way of pensions and compensation and other benefits. Our country has 435 Congressmen and 100 Senators representing all of our States. We veterans petition our various legislators when we feel we are being ignored. It is not easy, but it certainly is necessary! Attempting to form a coalition of veterans in your political area is one answer, and that isn't easy, now that the war is over and FORGOTTEN. Yes, FORGOTTEN. If you ask any of your neighborhood teen-agers some questions about the war, which allowed them to continue to live freely, they will give you a look of stupidity. The elders who did not serve will not listen either! Don't give up there must be someone out there to publicize your plight and lend a helping hand. I wish we could do more for you. You are entitled to all you can get and more. We empathize with you and wish you well!

GeorgeWilson, Court of Veterans Appeals, Washington, DC

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