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New WarHeroes Supporter.

Tony Blair, British Prime Minister and Labour Party Leader comments on the unfair system.

In a letter to WarHeroes from Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister, we learn how he agrees with our campaign..."There is wide variation in practice between different local authorities in how they deal with war pensions.....We recognise the unfairness of the current situation"


Opposer comments to War Disabled Pensioner's Rights.

Roger Barton, Labour Euro MP comments on War Pensions.

"I believe any pension, war or any other...should be considered as income and therefore regarded for Housing Benefit purposes." and he continues in his letter to say if any pension is of a disability nature, then it should be disregarded. This seems to indicate he discriminates against any War disabled pensioner and is favorable to non-War disabled pensioners.

We'd love Roger to clarify his standing on this issue. Email address as normal.


The Shame of Britains 4th City

It's WWII disabled pensioners, a current total 2,673 of which 365 receive benefits, fight for the right of it's council to give them total disregard of war pension when claiming benefits of rent and council tax as do 90% of other councils.

The remaining 2,308 disabled pensioners are unable to claim any benefits because they have war pensions at a higher rate which excludes them from claiming benefits from the state.

Until they reached retirement age, there was no problem, but Sheffield Council stick by the 1988 rule of the British Government to disregard the 1st £10, but to have the option of giving total, is not one they prefer.

A recent change has awarded a further discretionary £10 to the pensioners.  So the 70 and 80 yearolds are once again fighting, but this is a different kind of war.

How do the rest of the world treat their disabled war veterans?
