Clones in the Establishment!

"Has the British Government perfected Cloning long before the scientific community?"

This may be the awful truth being witheld from the general public of the British Isles.  To prove our point, WarHeroes wrote seperate letters to HRH the Queen, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Chancellor Gordon Brown, MP Harriet Harmen, MP Frank Field and Anne Widdowcombe, Tory MP for Sheffield.

We received a reply from each one, but EVERY reply was signed by the same person, a J.W. Fewings. We asked our members about their letters, and found a large percentage also had replies from the mysterious J.W. Could this be one very busy civil servant, or could J.W. be one of many clones secretly working for the establishment?

So, WarHeroes conducted an investigation once our suspicions were raised.

Is J.W.Fewings a product of a secret government cloning experiment?, but this fanciful explanation certainly made us smile after receiving reply after reply, signed by the same person.

Who is this J.W. Fewings character that replies for the Queen?   How old is he?   Does he have any relatives who fought for their King and country?

Watch this space, we will be bringing you more information on J.W.!