The Alliance-
Buildings and how to get them
Here you can find the informtion about the builldings you need to take down the bloodthrirsty orcs.Each building has a cost and a certain amount of hit points.If it runs out of hit points you have to rebuild that building.
Building          Range      Build Time      Gold       Oil      Lumber     Armor   H.P

Barracks               3                 200                       700             0          450                 20            800
Blacksmith           3                 200                       800             100      450                 20            775
Cannon Tower    9                 190                       1,000          0          300                 20            160
Castle                   9                 200                       2,500          500      1,200              20            1,600
Church                 3                 175                       900              0          500                20             700
Lumber Mill    3            150                  600         0       450           20          600
Farm              3            100                 500          0       250           20          400
Foundry          3            750                700           400   400            20         750
Inventor          3            150                 1,000       0 
        400               20              500
Aviary                 3                 150                        1,000           0           400                20             500
Guard Tower      9                  140                        500              0           150               20              130
Keep                  6                  200                        2,000           200        1,000            20             1,400
Mage Tower      3                  125                        1,000            0           200              20              500
Oil Platform       3                  200                        700              0           450               20              650
Oil Refinery      3                   225                        800             200        350               20              600
Scout Tower     9                   60                          550              0            200              20              100
Shipyard          3                    200                
    800          0         450          20          1,100
Stables        3               150                  1,000       0        300          20          500       
Town Hall    4               255                1,200        0         800         20          1,200