Feb 10th, Friday ~ That Urine Test Again :(

My appointment on 7th Jan was a bit disappointing. My urine test is yellow again and the random sugar test they did showed my sugar level is 9.0, which is pretty high for a pregnant woman. So the nurse called the doctor and she advised me to do a BSP- basically it's a test where my blood will be taken 3 times a day- at 9 am ( after breakfast), 2 pm ( after lunch) and at 8 pm ( after dinner). So the next day I went to the clinic again, having only 2 slices of toast and water, as the nurse advised me to do so. The reading is still quit high although there's some improvement- 7.1. I was so scared that the next test is going to be higher and I could be admitted to the hospital that I didn't dare eat anything after coming back from the clinic and was feeling a bit tired, lemah semacam. So abg balik tgh hari tu...dia kesian agaknye dgr kan kita x larat nak bangun. Had mee goreng for lunch. The 2nd reading is better, 6.0. and the last reading is 5.1. Alhamdulillah... so the next day I went to see the doctor and she's satisfied with the result. since this is the second time my urine test is yellow, she said just be careful with what I eat. And I had to repeat this BSP test in 2 weeks, just to be sure of it.

My due date is on the 24th next month. A bit scared to think about that. First time pregnant, they said be prepared because the due date might be one week earlier or later. So we planned to go back to MElaka early next month and I'll stay there until the day come.

Jan 21th, Saturday ~ Looooooooooooooooong Time No See

WOW. never thought this website still exists. Coz, well..let's see.. I haven't write anything for almost 3 months! Can u believe that? So many things happened to me that I didn't know where or how to start. I'm in my last trimester now, about 30 weeks with my pregnancy. So u can imagine me 'mengembang' *giggles* sampai kena marah dgn doktor. apa taknye, nampak apa je nak makan. nampak itu nak makan. nengok iklan kat tv terasa nak makan. pastu minum air milo dgn susu pekat tu, rupa2 nya org pregnant x bleh minum air yg campur susu tu..ler...mana le aku tau? sekali tu on my last appointment ( last 2 weeks ) my urine test came on as 'yellow'. Hah. Serve me right. Blood Pressure biasa 110/70 naik 120/80. Terus nurse antar jumpa doktor. kena lah sembur. so as the punishment i have to undergo this MGTT test to check on my glucose test. Hah. so for the past week i've been the regular visitor to the clinic. Benci betul. Setiap 2 hari kena dtg amik bp. nasib baik ada kancil, kalau tak susahlah my hubby nak kena amik cuti plak. Cuma masa test MGTT tu dia amik cuti separuh hari sbb kena amik darah 2 kali, dia takut aku pitam plak nanti. thnx hon :)

Last month I tripped over myself in the toilet. No harm done to the baby but in the process to stop myself from falling I grabbed the wall with my right hand so hard, my right arm ached all the way down to my hip. Teruk sampai x boleh duduk. So balik kampung pegilah urut..hu hu.. nasib baik baby xde apa2.

Anyway all that has passed me now, i'm just glad that my husband has been so patient with me all this time esp for the past 3-4 months because being pregnant for the first time, there's so much that I don't know. He woke up on those nights when my legs cramped unexpectedly, or when I have a headache, when my baby poke me so hard that it hurts, massage my swollen legs, or just hugged me on my so many sleepless nights, and to my endless complaints about everything- he still can smile and encourage me to get through this and always makes me smile no matter what. Thnx hon, really appreciate what u have done to me, i know our journey is still a long way to go, but just thinking that u'll always be there with me, make it all the better.