Standard I
ISTE Standard
Learning Beliefs
About Me
Program of Study
Standard II
Standard III
Standard IV
Standard VII
Standard VI
Standard V
Standard VIII
Technology Operations and Concepts
The standard (click to access)
My Reflection
Science Park High School is a newly built (we moved in at the end of 2006) school, $83 million spent so far. The Library Media and E Teaching and Learning Resource Center at Science Park HS has been designed and developed with an advanced IT systems view for using the SPHS building resources and fiber connectivity to enable E teaching and learning including the development of resources and meaningful participation in the Internet2 K-20 initiative.
The vision of the library media center in SPHS is to truly prepare students for the experience of college in the 21st century. Such vision including Learning and mentoring online, communicating with students and professionals around the world; researching databases for projects in all the disciplines, the development of electronic portfolios and digital collections.
As the “Technology Facilitation Standard Indicator I” pointed out, a technology facilitator, as well as a school media specialist, need posses not only the up-dated hardware, but also has to have the “knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology”; and “understanding of technology systems, resources, and services that are aligned with district and state technology plans”.
My artifacts presented below demonstrate my qualifications satisfy the TF-1 indicators.
• The annotated review of
“Newark Public Schools 2007-2010 Long Range Technology Plan” is a .pdf file posted on the NPS’s web site. I converted it to a .doc file first, put my notes on it with different colors and converted back to .pdf file for a compacted file size and more stable displaying result. A thorough study of the technology plan of my district technology plan allows me to have a better understanding of the technology system of my district and in my school; know the resources we have, and have a full view of what is happing now and what is going to happen. This knowledge found the solid base letting me moving forward with a clear direction.
“Science Park High School Library Media Center Technology Plan” is an official document drafted by me and proved by school principal.
“Science Park High School Library Media Center Policy Menu” was drafted by me, proved by district media service supervisor and is posted to the school e-board for better exposition to school community.
“Toshiba America Foundation Gants Program for 7-12 Science & Math Education” Application, for Problem Based Learning Project “Build Your Own Green Building”, and This is a lesson plan created by me, collaborate with six science teachers, school engineer, and science department chair. This artifact present the evidence of “Provide assistance to teachers in identifying technology systems, resources, and services to meet specific learning needs”, as stated by TF-I.A.2.
“Library Media Center Budget Plan” shows my qualification under indicator TF-I.A.2. and TF-I.B.
My Atifacts
1. NPS Technology Plan Review (TF-I.A.)
Science Park High School Library Media Center Technology Plan (TF-I.A. and TF-I.B.)
Science Park High School Library Media Center Policy Menu (TF-I.A.)
“Toshiba America Foundation Gants Program for 7-12 Science & Math Education” Application, for Problem Based Learning Project “Build Your Own Green Building” (TF-I.A. and TF-I.B.)
Library Media Center Budget Plan (TFI.A. and TF-I.B.)