<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/wandabryant/i_will_always_love_you.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Dearest Victoria,

I did not know this would be the very last day I would ever see your smiling face alive again.
That Sunday morning started out as any onther Sunday morning. You and your Mom were already up and preparing for a day in the sun at the river. When I got up you came toddling over to give me my good morning smile, kisses and hugs. That was the last time I felt those warm carresses from you. A day I will never forget.
Later after you and Mommy had left for your day of fun. I was checking my email, then got off the internet. When I did, Aunt Linda called on the phone to talk to your Papa Royce.
I knew something was wrong right away, by the way Papa placed his hand over his eyes as Aunt Linda spoke to him over the telephone.
As soon as he hung up he told me that you and your Mommy had been in a wreck, and to expect the worse with you.
Lord have mercy how I prayed every mile to the hospital, begging God to let you be alright, or if not, to at least take me instead. But baby girl, God did not want it that way. Which proves to me that He takes only the very best.
When we got to the hospital, I jumped out of the car before Papa could get parked and I ran to be with you. Grandpa Foy stopped me before I could go into the hospital to tell me what I already knew deep down in my heart. That you were gone and nothing anybody did, could change that.
When the doctor would let me in to see you one last time. They had you wrapped in a baby blanket, laying on a bed with the whitest sheets I had ever seen in my life. Your eyes were not closed tightly and your sweet mouth was slightly open as though you were asleep. I had seen you that way many times as I watched you sleep.
I walked up to the side of the bed and layed my hand on your tiny chest, tears streaming down my face as I watched one tiny drop of lifes blood fall from your sweet left ear, to drop upon those stark white sheets. That one drop of blood was the only signs on that precious body of yours that could be seen of the wreck you had been in.
Dear God how I wanted to trade places with you!
Someone pulled me away from you and we were asked if we wanted to see your Mommy.
I will never forget the state your Mommy was in. She was in total shock. She did not know at that time that you were gone. She had bruises and blood all over her. It seems that your head busted her nose which is where all the blood came from on her.
If I live to be 100 years old, I will never experiance a more painful day that the day I had to stand by helplessly and watch my baby, morn the death of her baby.
My heart was shattered into a billion pieces as my love for you both was so scattered. I walked around like a zomby, I didn't know what to do... nothing I could think of could ever fix this mess and bring you back to us.
THAT was the DAY my life changed forever, never to be the "normal" I once knew, again.

So of course, that was the worse Birthday present your Grammy has ever gotten or will ever get.

Victoria Stephanie King
April 17, 1998
April 11, 1999

Forever Grammy's little angel in heaven.
Your family misses you very much!
Page lovingly made by Grammy Bryant
Thank you Heart Nuggets for this beautiful lady to watch over our baby Vickie