In Memory of the loss of innocent lives
September 11, 2001
Purple mountains, spacious skies,
and amber waves of grain.
These and many more
are the attributes that make America
the physically beautiful place of which we are so proud.
However, the
real beauty of America is in
the hearts and spirits
of The People. 
As we face what may be
one of the most difficult times in our history,
our caring, generosity, strength, courage,
resolve, faith and patriotism shine like a beacon. 
As always, we will do all that we need to do
to get through this time
and do so with patience, dignity and faith.

(C) September 2001
Many people have asked about the heart-shaped flag in this graphic. It's actually a lapel pin that I made to wear during the Gulf War. I had hoped never to have to wear it to show my support for a war again. It is a part of my daily attire once more..
Thank you Gail!!
The following graphic's artist anonymous by request: