Clerks of Session
Clerk's Committee
Mission Presbytery

What's This?
The Clerk's Committee of Mission Presbytery establishes this site to enable comunication between Clerks of Session and the Clerk's Committee. Left click on the heading of a section to transfer to that page.

If you are not affiliated with Mission Presbytery, you may still find the FAQ and Handbooks sections useful.

Frequently Asked Questions
Clerks of Session often have questions about how to do something. A lot of this can be found in the Handbook for Clerks of Session. Other issues arise as well as other information that Clerks are expected to know. Information of those types will be found here. This will be added to several times a year.

Here you will find the schedule for review of minutes for the current year. This is what has been normally sent to Clerks as letters from the Clerk's Committee or from the Stated Clerk. Other announcements will be added as they become available.
Also here you will find MSWord files (1) Minutes Review Form and (2) Clerk of Session data form.
There are handbooks available on the Presbytery web site. These are (1) Handbook for Clerks of Session; (2) Handbook for Elders; (3) Handbook for Moderators of Session Committees; (4) Handbook for Congregation Nominating Committees; and (5) Parliamentary Procedure.
Contact Us
Clerk of Session: We would love to hear from you whether you have a question, a problem, a suggestion, or whatever. The Clerk's Committee and/or the Stated Clerk will give prompt attention to your communication. Here's how to reach us.
Committee Responsibilities
The Policy Manual of the Presbytery gives the Clerk's Committee some specific responsibilities.
Here are links to Mission Presbytery, and to The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
This web site is maintained by Frank Walmsley. It was last updated on March 2, 2007.