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Why waste your money on expensive vitamin pills that don't dissolve in your body?
If your vitamin pill is compacted too tightly when it is manufactured, or if the coating is too thick,  it will pass through your system without dissolving.  In many cases you can still read the label on the pill!
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Here is the 5th product I would not be without in our household.!

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"Did you know that your vitamin pills may contain questionable ingredients that are used to make cement, as well as motor oil and lubricants?"

We all need calcium. If you take a 'rich in calcium' supplement fortified from calcium carbonate, you are in effect eating cement!.  (Cement is created by heatiing calcium carbonate in large kilns to create lime.)
Calcium carbonate also causes constipation, bloating, and excess gas.

Stannous chloride is another questionable ingredient found in many popular brand-name vitamins.  Stannous chloride is an oxidizing agent used in some industrial applications including the making of mirrors, lubricants, reducing dyes, and galvanizing.  In vitamin pills, it is often used as a coating.

Ingesting minerals from rocks does not mean you will get your required daily mineral intake.   Eating a pound of nails will not appreciably increase the iron in your blood.

Your body gets its minerals from
PLANTS.   Plants extract minerals from the soil and convert them into a form which your body can process and extract and utilize.

As mentioned, most PILLs don't dissolve completely and even partial dissolving takes several hours.

Also, most vitamins don't work at all if they do not have their mineral compliment to create the synergy necessary for bio-chemical reaction to occur.
So what is the answer?
Foremost, -
information & knowledge..
The answer is found in a prodouct -  Complete (tm).

It is a pleasent tasting LIQUID product with essential vitamins and their corresponding minerals available to your body in just MINUTES after ingestion.

The minerals are sourced from plants - not rocks.

211 essential vitamins, minerals, herbs, antioxidents, fruits, vegetables, all sourced from PLANTS.
How we use Complete.

Here is how we use it in our household.

Take an ounce
with a morning meal or at noon daily to start.
It is
IMPERATIVE to take it with food!

Let's see why.
Although as mentioned earlier, tablets do not necessarily dissolve properly to give you the benefit of the vitamins they contain.
However,  liquid supplement is not the end-all solution.  The reason is that if taken alone, it will be acted upon by stomach acids and important ingredients especially delicate herbals may be destroyed to a large degree.  The liquid must pass virtually unaffected through your stomach and gain entry into your small intestine where the nutrients may be transferred into your bloodstream.
Taking the liquid supplement with FOOD, protects it to a great extent to do just that.

First thing you will notice is that you get ALL your vitamin and mineral requirements in ONE swallow.  No need to read labels and hunt for bottles of some particular vitamin you think you may need - which probably won't dissolve in your body anyway!..

You should experience a new sense of well-being.

Look for and take note of your increased  energy, better memory recall, more alertness, skin complexion and a revitalized sexual libido.( It does not discriminate between male and female species I assure you..)

After a month or so, you can cut back to an ounce every second day.

You will soon establish what works best for your body.

** Be sure to take it along with a meal or shortly thereafter.

*  For product information, ingredients, and method of  use read the         posted details on the company site.

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