Aerating is the process of punching holes (usually 3-4 Inches deep) into your lawn to allow water, oxygen, fertilizers, and other nutrients to penetrate the soil and better reach the roots of your grass. Aerating is usually done by pushing hollow cylinders into the ground and forcing out plugs of soil to the lawn surface. Aerating can also help in breaking up the buildup of Thatch in your lawn.
    The need for Aerating a lawn generally stems from compacting from heavy use such as foot, traffic, automobiles etc.. Typically, the more clay you have in your soil, the more susceptible your lawn is to compacting. Your lawn requires three elements for survival- moisture (water), nutrients, and air. When your lawn gets heavily compacted, its roots get deprived of the air they need to survive and grow. Additionally, aerating also allows water and nutrients to better penetrate into the soil and to the grass roots. If you have problems with pooling of water in your lawn, or are on a steepslope of grade, aerating can help to trap the water and absorb it more quickly into the ground.
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