Wallpaper Unlimited


Added - 2 Brandon Routh, Patrick Dempsey, and Cole Hauser to Actors
Added - Angelina Jolie, Anne Hathaway, Kate Beckinsale, Naomi Watts, Connie Nielsen, and Ellen Pompeo to Actresses
Added - 2 Superman (Lois Lane & Superman) to Movies
Added - 2 Keith Anderson, Shakira, and Terri Clark to Musicians
Added - Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, McLeods Daughter's, House, 16 Lost (one for every 2nd season character, and 2 versions of a Jack & Kate wall) to TV Shows

Added - 2 Joe Nichols, Brad Paisley, and Anastacia to Musicians
Added - 4 Grey's Anatomy, Bones, Stargate Atlantis, and 4 Stargate SG-1 to TV Shows

Added - 2 Dwayne Johnson, Keanu Reeves, Karl Urban, Matthew McConaughey, Simon Baker, and Patrick Dempsey to Actors.
Added - 2 Billie Piper, Jennifer Aniston, Naomi Watts, Ellen Pompeo, Kristen Bell, and Michelle Rodriguez to Actresses.
Added - Will, Jack, and Elizabeth from The Pirates Of The Caribian to Movies.

Tomarrow I will add some more to Musicians and TV Shows

New layout! New walls will be coming this weekend. Sorry it's been so long, but my life has been a bit hectic. Lately I have gotten back to the site, so updates will be more often, at least for a while.

Sorry it's been so long, this is just a small update, but I will have more coming over the next couple of days. I have gotten back into creating so the should be regular updates each week for a while.
Added - 2 Antonio Banderas, 2 Ryan Reynolds, 3 Scott Speedman, Ashton Kutcher, Eddie Cibrian, Gary Dourdan, Hugh Jackman, Jim Carrey, and Michael Rosenbaum to actors.

Not alot at this time, but I wanted to add them, I have more coming soon. Most are ones that have been requested so I hope you like them.
Added - Added 2 Jensen Ackles to Actors
Added - Added Jessica Alba & Eva Longoria to Actresses
Added - Added Serenity to Movies
Added - Added 2 Dark Angel to TV Shows

Sorry it's been a while since the last update. I have a few walls made, and I am now woking on some more. I will try to add them as soon as possible. I have a lot going on and not a lot of computer time.

On a good note. I got my first award ever in a wallpaper challenge! Over at Sweet & Talented I got 1st place for this wall!

Newest Walls

Stargate SG-1
Ellen Pompeo

Current Number of Walls = 811


The images used in this website are copyrighted to the respective studios, producers, and creators of the films and television programs represented here. No infringement is intended by their presence on this website, and the webmaster will not use them for commercial purposes at any time.

The wallpapers/desktops on this website are meant solely for non-commercial, personal use only. Do not attempt to sell the contents of this website via other venues at any time. Please ask permission before archiving any of the site's artwork on other websites. Do not alter any of the images on this website in order to present them as your own.

Layout and artwork are © Samantha Rogers.
Layout Images are from New Atlantis