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ANSYS5.4 - SAP2000












The Preprocessor of Structural Analysis Programs

Civil Engineering Programs

Structural Engineering Programs

Mesh Generation Program

Three Dimensional Modeling -Three Dimensional Modeling

Finite Elements Method (F.E.M)

Planar Structures And Frame Structures

Foundations Elastic Supports -Link10 In ANSYS5.4-Only In Compression

SAP2000 And ANSYS5.4 Preprocessor

Wall Structures - Shear Walls - Foundation

Structural Engineering Software Civil Engineering Software

Easy Modeling of Water Pressure And Soil Pressure

Selling Programs With Complete Source Code - Visual Basic Source Code

Complex Structure Modeling(Frame And Shells)

Using of Shell43 - Shell63 - Shell181- Beam4 - Beam24- IN ANSYS 5.4 Software.

Wall Structure Or Planar Structure Examples Analyzed By ANSYS5.4 And SAP2000 Softwares.

About 60,000 Lines Source Code In Visual Basic Language.

Very Easy For Modeling 3D Structures At Least Elapsed Time For Drawing Objects.

Exporting DXF Files To AUTOCAD Software For Different Purposes.

Graphical Modeling of Structures And Setting Properties On Drawn Objects.

Advanced 3D-View of Structure In Wallform For Controlling of Objects Geometry And Properties.

Very Good To Develop For Other Software Projects.

Unlimited Copyrights For Purchasers - Companies Or Universities.







This program is a proper preprocessor for the modeling of planar and linear structures. (shells And frames).

One of the important properties of this program is high speed modeling and modeling of all members in a plan of structure.

The other property of this program is 3D-view in simple and advanced level. This property is suitable for controlling the structural model that drawn in plan scheme. Ultimately, the work of this program is meshing the structural members as the finite elements and also calculation of load value on the nodes of finite elements. This program also can couple nodes of various members on the site of jointing point or jointing line in 3 translational directions(Ux , Uy , Uz) and 3 rotational directions(Rx , Ry , Rz).

For example, we can set simply couple condition between the nodes of wall members and nodes of roof members in the jointing line of these members. This process can cause these nodes don't transfer any moment together.

This program after meshing the structure and setting the loads on the finite element nodes, can transfer the constructed model to the structural analysis programs such as ANSYS 5.4, SAP90 and SAP2000 and also to the applied programs such as AUTOCAD as DXF files.

A sample of elements definition for walls, roofs, beams, columns and bracings members by this program is shown in figure 1. In this figure, supporting lines located on the bottom of walls and supporting points on the bottom of columns can be seen.

On the right hand window, there are Z components of all members and also in this window; a two-side arrow indicates the level of working height. In creating the vertical members such as walls, columns, bracings and others, this two-side arrow will show bottom and top levels of these members and helps us to realize the levels of current heights in creating the members.

Figure 2 shows the simple 3D-view of drawn structure in plan formation in figure 1.

Figure 3 shows the advanced 3D-view of given structure in plan scheme of figure 1.

Figure 4 shows the arrow of the loads on 3D-view of structure.

Figure 5 shows M11 contour in the analyzed structure by SAP2000 software.

Figure 6 shows Mx contour in the analyzed structure by ANSYS 5.4 software.



Figure 1- method of entering various types of structural members in plan scheme in WALLFORM.



Figure 2- the simple 3D-view of drawn structure in plan formation in figure 1.



Figure 3- the advanced 3D-view of given structure in plan scheme of figure 1.



Figure 4- the arrow of the loads on roof and beams of structure in advanced 3D-view mode.



Figure 5- M11 contour in the analyzed structure by SAP2000 software.

M11 contour has been shown in range of -1000 to 1000.



Figure 6- MX contour in the analyzed structure by ANSYS5.4 software.

MX contour has been shown in range of -1000 to 1000.



We can load the walls as linear variable loads (ramped loads) in a vertical direction, so that we can easily model the water pressure and soil pressure on walls. This pressure is typically called "water pressure".

In figure 7, a cylindrical tank model in advanced 3D-view mode in WALLFORM is shown that water pressure influences on internal face of walls.



Figure 7- shows 3D-view of a cylindrical tank model that water pressure influences on internal face of walls.



In-plane force contours per length unit (F22) obtained from SAP2000 are shown in figure 8 and in-plane force contours per length unit obtained from ANSYS 5.4 are shown in figure 9.

The bending moment contours (M11) obtained by SAP2000 analysis are shown in figure 10. The bending moment contours (MX or SMISC,4) obtained by ANSYS5.4 analysis are shown in figure 11.



Figure 8- In-plane force contour (F22) obtained by SAP2000 analysis.



Figure 9- In-plane force contour (FY or SMISC,2) obtained by ANSYS 5.4 analysis.



Figure 10- bending moment contour (M11) obtained by SAP2000 analysis.



Figure 11- bending moment contour (MX or SMISC,4) obtained by ANSYS 5.4 analysis.



One of the other capabilities of this program is, installing the elastic supports under the foundation elements as springs for exporting the output file to ANSYS 5.4. The program can use 4 models of element for elastic supports:

1-Ordinary spring elements (or LINK8).

2- A spring element used only in compression (or LINK10 for working in compression).

3- A spring element used only in tension (or LINK10 for working in tension).

4-Frictional element that works only in compression and resists to the shear forces by frictional shear generated from existing compressive force in these elements (or CONTACT52).

This program can also define the elastic supports for the walls. The operation direction of elastic supports is specified by local axis of planar structural members (walls and roofs).

To specify the method of using the elastic supports under the foundation of structures, we require an example:

Please, see figure 12. This figure indicates an example of a wall structure. On the roof of this structure, two vertical and horizontal loads are imposed that value of horizontal load is half of value of vertical load. Under foundation of this structure, there are elastic supports shown in this program by the spring shape. The vertical springs are modeled by LINK10 of ANSYS 5.4 and works only in compressive force and horizontal springs are shear resistant supports with ordinary link elements (LINK 8) that can resist equally in compression and tension.

This example is analyzed by ANSYS 5.4 and normal reaction of foundation's vertical springs that should resist only in the compression is shown in figure 13. Normal loads per length unit of SHELL63 elements of walls are shown in figure 14.



Figure 12- structure shape in plan scheme and springs drawn under the foundation as elastic supports.



Figure 13- compressive reaction in LINK10 elements obtained from analysis by ANSYS5.4.



Figure 14- normal load contour per length unit (SMISC,1) in wall elements obtained from analysis by ANSYS5.4.



The coupling line object is one of the other capabilities of this program. These lines are drawn on a common line or point of various types of structural members. The nodes of finite elements located on these lines couple together according to defined coupling condition.

To specify this problem, consider an example here.

Assume we want to connect the right side roof member to wall members such a way that right side roof nodes can't transfer any moment to the walls nodes. For this purpose, coupling lines with a condition of only force translation from walls to the roofs are drawn on considered edges.

Figure 15 shows the selection method of considered coupling lines in the program's window (here for roofs and walls) and also couple condition for these members (Ux , Uy , Uz). Figure 16 shows the coupling lines drawn in the considered edges. Figure 17 shows the result of ANSYS 5.4 analysis where MX contour have been drawn on the roofs and indicate that moment value in the jointing edges of walls and roofs is equal to zero. Figure 18 shows the moment contour of MY on the roof that this moment value is equal to zero in the jointing edges of right side roofs to the walls.



Figure 15- A method for giving the coupling lines information for the given example in the main window of coupling lines creation.



Figure 16- 3D-view of structure drawn with coupling lines on the common edges of right side roof member with the wall members.



Figure 17- The result of analyzed structure obtained from ANSYS 5.4 and presentation of moment contour of MX for roof member.



Figure 18- The result of analyzed structure by ANSYS 5.4 and presentation of moments contour of MY for roof members.




This program also has the ability for spectrum loading and time history loading on massy structural elements. In the following example a complex structure(with a dual structural system - frame and shell) is loaded by time history record in a excitation angle of 25 degree with a global X axis and linear response of structure obtained from SAP2000 has been compared with the results of ANSYS 5.4. (Figures 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23)



Figure 19- A method for entering information related to time history loading.



Figure 20- Time history response curve of structure, Ux, in node number 329 derived from SAP2000 analysis results.



Figure 21- Time history response curve of structure, Ux, in node number 329 derived from the results of ANSYS5.4 analysis.



Figure 22- Time history response curve of structure, Uy, in node number 329 derived from the results of SAP2000 analysis.



Figure 23- Time history response curve of structure, Uy, in node number 329 derived from the results of ANSYS5.4 analysis.




This program in addition to make the output files of ANSYS5.4 also can create the file of AUTOCAD as DXF files. This help us to change the geometrical model in AUTOCAD and then make the other file of DXF, and use this file as import file in each other structural analysis software that can receive the structural model from AUTOCAD.

This program has several ways for creating DXF file, which some ways are for controlling the structure. Figures 24-26 show the various samples of given structural model in AUTOCAD. Figure 27 also shows one of rendered complete structure in AUTOCAD.



Figure 24- output of finite elements model of structure to AUTOCAD software. Inserted text in each element indicates that element area. Each wall also is defined in its special UCS.



Figure 25- output of finite element model of structure to AUTOCAD software as table formation. Here, each wall and roof is shown in a separate table. Inserted text in each element indicates area value of that element and inserted text at the corner of elements indicates each node number of these elements.



Figure 26- output model as thick member in finite element mesh to the AUTOCAD software.



Figure 27- DXF output of structure shape model rendered by AUTOCAD.



In this program, for simplification of modeling of structural members, Object snap is used for easy access to the corners of wall and roof members and also to the ends of column and beam members.

This program also uses from grid point in two case of rectangular and polar that this subject takes easy modeling process in plan scheme.


Important limitation of this program is that the planar structures only can be defined that their normal vector is either parallel to the Z axis (roofs) or is normal to the Z axis (walls). Other planar elements if don't fall in these categories, they won't be definable in this program.


To See Other Capabilities Of WALLFORM:

Please, Go To Next Page Of WALLFORM Introduction:


Programmer and designer: Soheil Taheri, M.Sc of Structural Engineering. 2001-2003.

Program Characteristics:

Number of Lines of uncompressed Source Code: About 60,000 Lines In M.S.Visual Basic Language.

Required Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98 and later version.

Required Hardware:

Pentium CPU-133 MHz or Higher (recommend Pentium II 333 MHz or higher).

32 MB RAM or Higher (recommend with 64 MB RAM or higher).

Graphic Card With 2MB RAM For Minimum Resolution 800*600 Pixel And 24 Bit Color (16 Meg Color.)

Program Work: Easy And Quick modeling of Three Dimensional Planar And Linear Structures In Plan Scheme And Finally Finite Elements Mesh Generating On Model And Setting Loads And Masses On Nodes Of Finite Elements Meshes And Also Assigning Sections, Material And Other Defined Properties By User On Structural Objects And Set Boundary Condition Then Export Constructed Model To ANSYS5.4 AND SAP2000 For Analyzing Its And Also To AUTOCAD Software for Other Purposes.

Exclusively Selling Software: Complete Source Code Of Program With Unlimited Copyrights.



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