Part 1    

Amanda looked around the Q-Bureau and was still a little bit in awe. She couldn't believe all that had happened in the last four years. Her entire life had been turned upside-down the morning she had met Lee at the train station. She now had a job she loved and a husband she adored. If anyone had told her she'd end up in the spy business she would have just laughed and said "Yeah, right. " But here she was and she enjoyed it every bit as much as Lee did.

After her divorce from Joe, she wasn't entirely sure that she even wanted to find love and get married again. All that changed when she met Lee. She had fallen for him right away and she wasn't sure how much longer she would have pined for him if he hadn't made his feeling known to her during the "Stemwinder" case. But he'd finally told her that he loved her and the rest as they say was history. The only regret Amanda had was that no one in her family knew she and Lee were married. For that matter no one at the agency even knew. She was sure that Billy and Francine suspected something but she didn't know how much. Every time she and Lee were in the office alone someone would open the door and they would jump away from each other lest their shared secret be revealed. She sighed. Something had to be done about that. She was tired of having to sneak around all the time and never having any quality time with Lee. Being a newly married couple under these circumstances was a strain on both of them. "I'm going to have to talk to Lee about this and come up with some solution," Amanda said to herself resolutely.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice someone entering the office. She jumped as Lee put his arms around her. "That wasn't quite the reaction a man hopes to get from his wife when he hugs her," Lee said with a twinkle in his eye and a smile that took her breath away.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't hear you come in. Let's see if this is the kind of reaction you were hoping for." Amanda wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss that left them both a bit dazed and confused.     

"Um...yeah, that's kind of what I had in mind," Lee said. "What thoughts had you so lost that you didn't hear me come in?" he asked.     

Just as she was going to tell him, Billy walked into their office and once again they jumped away from each other like two people being caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

"Sir,", "Billy," they both said at the same time, once again afraid they might have been found out.

"Don't even try to explain or make excuses anymore, Scarecrow and Amanda. I've known for a long time that you two would get together and I can't think of any two people better suited for each other. You can tell when you two walk into a room together you're in love. Your faces just glow. Just how together are you and when did you figure out that you were in love?" Billy wanted to know.

Amanda and Lee looked at each other and Lee cleared his throat. "Well, Billy it took me three years to figure out I was in love with Amanda. It took her considerably less time to know she was in love with me and almost gave up on me. Do you remember when she was kidnapped by Addi Birol? I proposed to her while we were both being held by him and we were married a couple months later."

The look of surprise on Billy's face was priceless. "Well, I kind of figured as much but why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked them.

"Sir, we have my family to consider. I worry about their safety almost every day. They don't even know I'm a spy. They think I work for IFF."

Billy nodded his head. "I understand your concern, Amanda. But, I think its time for you to come out in the open about everything. I was just coming up to let you know that Dr. Smith wants to see you and Lee in ten minutes in my office. You've been a full field agent for 18 months know now and he probably figures it's time for you to be assigned a code name. He has to approve all code names."

   "Yeah, I guess we can't go around as Scarecrow and Mrs King any more, can we Billy?" Lee asked.

    Amanda was so lost in thought again when Billy left that she didn't hear Lee's question until he asked it again. "Amanda, sweetheart, are you OK?" Amanda looked at Lee and knew this was as good as time as any to ask him,

   "Lee, let's tell everyone. Please? Billy already know knows and it's just a matter of time before Francine figures it out if she hasn't already. Let's just march down to the bullpen before the meeting with Dr. Smith and tell everyone. We wouldn't have to hide our feelings anymore. We wouldn't have to hide from Mother or the boys and best of all we could be a real family, live under the same roof, buy groceries together, the kind of stuff that a semi-normal family does."

Lee could tell how much this meant to Amanda and knew she was right. "I guess it's time. I'm tired of having to sneak around all the time. And more than anything I want a real family. Can you imagine the look on Francine's face when she hears?"

On to Part Two

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