

Love is a spirit all compact of fire,
Not gross to sink, but light, and will aspire.

Reflection is good for us. Lovers and friends alike

'Reflection is good for us. Lovers and friends alike?' Amanda thought. She thought about where all the walks that she shared with Lee were, and tried to think of anytime that she may have walked the same route with a friend. The Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials were the most frequented places when she walked with Lee, but she didn't walk there with any of her friends; it was too special to her. 'Reflection is good for us...' She thought for a moment before it hit her.

"Of course! The Reflecting Pool!" Amanda made her way to her Wagoneer and headed for the Reflecting Pool by the Washington Monument. She and Lee walked there a few times, but she also walked along the path with some of her co-workers and a couple guys she met before Lee came to his senses.

When she arrived at the park, she didn't see anything out of place. She walked along the path, trying to figure out who was sending her on this chase. It couldn't be Lee because he was in Europe, and the boys were still out of town, as was her mother. Amanda was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't see the woman in blue standing in front of her.

"Oh! Excuse me!" Amanda said startled. She bent down to pick up the package that the lady dropped when she bumped into her. "Here you go-" The lady in blue had disappeared. She looked at the package a little closer to see if she could find a name on it. The envelope that was taped to the outside of the flat rectangular box had a name written on it: Amanda King.

At first Amanda thought it was meant for someone else, but then the name sunk in. It was her name. She sat down at the nearest bench and opened the package. Inside were photographs of Phillip, Jamie, and herself at an amusement park from a few years back; right before she started working at the Agency. She opened the envelope and inside was a note similar to the previous ones.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the road less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

You've had many choices to make it here; few of them have been easy.


End Flashback

The Agency

"Indeed it has," Amanda said softly as she looked at the note. During her drive to the Agency where she figured this note was taking her, she reviewed the many choices she made in Mr. Melrose's office. She agreed to work for the Agency, she refused to believe that Lee had gone to the other side; she had blindly followed Lee on missions that began there. The list could go on and on.

Now she stood outside the glass doors of the heart of the Agency. 'Well, no use in standing out here if the next clue is in there,' Amanda thought as she pushed the doors to the Agency bullpen open.

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