Laura Spencer burst through the doors of the Emergency Room at General Hospital. "Where is my baby, where's Lucky?" Laura had received a phone call from the police department that Lucky had attempted to jump off a bridge.

Amy Vining, Laura's sister, ran to her side. "Laura, Laura, it's all right. Lucky is OK."

"He's not OK, Amy, he tried to kill himself! Where is he?" Laura angrily retorted.

"He's upstairs. I'll take you to him."


Liz sat at Lucky's bedside. The doctor had given him a sedative and he was asleep. Then Doctor Kevin Collins poked his head in the door. "Elizabeth?" he asked softly.

Elizabeth's head jerked up. "Yes?"

"Would you mind coming outside with me to answer a few questions?"

Elizabeth turned to a sleeping Lucky. "I don't want to leave him."

"This won't take too long."

Elizabeth got up from the chair and followed Kevin out into the hallway.

"Liz, I just wanted to ask you a few questions to help me understand where Lucky is coming from."

Liz sighed. "I'm not sure I'll be of much help."

"But you may have valuable insights that others may have missed."

Liz nodded. "What would you say has been Lucky's mood lately?" Kevin asked.

"He's changeable. One minute he's happy and smiling, the next he turns very cold and distant."

"Does anything happen to trigger these mood swings?"

"Well, when I try to talk to him about the future, he insists things can't go back to the way they were."

"Does he get upset by the presence of anyone?"

"Luke and Laura, definitely." Liz thought a moment. "He has this attachment to Helena Cassadine, though."

Kevin was about to say more when Laura burst into the hallway. "Where is Lucky?"

Kevin moved to Laura. "Lucky is here in a room."

"What happened? Liz, do you know?"

"I was there, Laura. Lucky had been acting strangely today, so we went to look for him. We found him standing on the railing of the bridge."

"Oh my God," Laura moaned.

"I think he was really serious. I was so afraid, but Sly got up there and talked him down."

"Sly?" Laura looked confused.

"Yeah, he was the one that alerted us to Lucky's weird mood."

Laura sighed. "What now, Kevin?"

"Now we keep him here for observation."

"Can I see him?"

"Well, he's been sedated, but you can go in for a few minutes."

Laura followed Kevin into the room as Liz waited outside. Laura looked at her son lying in the bed. He looked fine physically, but she knew he was deeply hurt. Laura started to cry and buried her face in her hands.

Kevin sighed. "Laura, I am sorry he did this, but maybe Lucky was just crying out for help. Now he can get it. We'll know more in the morning."

"I can't help but feel like I failed him. Maybe if I had pushed a little harder when he first came home…" she sniffled.

"If you did that, there was no guarantee that it would work. Laura, this is not your fault." Kevin turned to look at Lucky. "I am his attending psychiatrist, and I want him to start therapy with me. He'll most likely be discharged in the morning. He's going to need you more than ever now."

"Thank you, Kevin."

"I'll be back later." He left the room.

Laura looked at Lucky, then went in the hallway to Liz. "Thank you for being there for him," she said, as she pulled Liz into a hug.

Liz nodded as she rested her head against Laura's shoulder.


Sly had followed Emily's car until it safely turned into the driveway at the mansion. He then drove home. As he pulled into the driveway, his hands began to shake on the steering wheel. He pulled the truck to a stop and turned it off. He sat there for a minute. Then the tears began to silently streak down his face. He laid his head on the steering wheel and cried.

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