Kara- Age 16- -Christian- Looks like a spiderman obsessed Avril Lavigne, Ive been her friend for afew years because of her loyalty and honesty, she is objective yet kind and wears her heart on her sleeve herself, i met her in grade school and have planned, many years with her in the furture, she is a genuinely fun person with a serious nicotine addiction and comfortable personality.

Spencer- Age 18- Atheist- Dated him January 20 2002. Best friends since the day i met him, i litterally saw him in a mall and had to have him, we spent two very crazy years togetherbut due to distance and *sigh* growing up, lol, things didnt work out on the dating front.his guidance has made me a better person. although he hates my friends and family. He is the most attractive male alive.

Darcy- Age 19-  Open minded (although practised wicccan)-I met her through Ryan. *breath* actually i should explain that, Well, During one of our more intense break ups, i left Spencer for his best friend, the infamous musician, Ryan H, it didnt last long, both Ryan`s Ex Darcy, and My Ex Spencer, had other plans for us and we went our seperate ways, still close friends. Later, Being threatened by the Ex of Ryan, i tried alittle peace keeping, blindly, im foolish. She invited me out afew times, trying to get a feel of my personality, then tried to manipulate me in to not so glorious things, in the process, becoming a closer friend then ever imagined. Ive learned things from her about life that Spencer wouldnt teach .she is a intense party girl, and off the cracker to say the least, and i like her.

Bob- Age20 -Optomist- Kind, only real word to describe him, he takes everything to heart but in a really goo way. although chill and very cool he is intellegent and into unconventionaly chicks, he spends alot of time with me as he is one of the only tolerable people i see often. hes fun for all and all day long.

Donvain- Age 29-  Agnostic as far as i know- I met him through Darcy, He is a very sweet person, not very flambouyant, has a boyfriend named Clide, and a son, age 12, who i have yet to meet, Darcy and I were helping him remodel his house, it was destined as we were planning even during my first visit to his house, my teenage thoughts dont concern him which i like and he is honest and unbias. He says im mature for my age, which is why im over there often i guess. his house turned out great by the way, every sunday darcy and i visit to watched charmed with my fav guy D.

Shannon- Age 16- i doubt she knows- She is a very entertaining and potentially intellegent person, she tries to be manipulative which rarely works and results in her having little friends, she has an obsession with a boy name carver which i empathize with, but get tierd of listening to, she owns half of my wardorbe , maybe more, and barely pulls off passing grades, shes the kind of girl who blames it on the teacher, i like her though, she humors me.

Ryan-  Age 18- undecided- Very much into his music, very much, a weak minded person, and not what i expected, he is a mystery, but once you solve it not exactly impressive, he has been with Darcy for a long time, and failed to mention that he had a crazy ex when he met me, we chatted online for awhile and the conversations were very intense as i hadnt had a person to chat politics or religion with me in awhile, we dated shortly, I understand many aspects about Ryan, and Im truely envious of the way he looks at Darcy. and cannont keep a secret for the life of him. buts a good musician. *shrugs*  i hope to keep in touch

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