Emotional- the maturation and evolution of emotions, social skills, indentity, personality, and morals (Grimes, 2004)

*Play is awesome for a child's emotional development.
-It teaches them how to problem solve,
-allows them to work off their frustrations,
-and develops control over his/her enviroment (Grimes, 2004).

*Labeling is an absolute no-no. DO NOT LABEL YOUR CHILD. He/she is a person, not an object and labeling is daamaging to their emotional development. It can cause them to give up on their goals because they feel they cannot change or have low self esteem (Mueller, 1994).

*Do not push your child too hard. Encouragement is a great thing but a child will shut down communication with the parent if they are feeling pressured (Grimes, 2004).

*Establish trust with your child early on in life, it will effect his future relationships. Go to the child when he cries etc (Erikson, 1950).

*Do not overbear your child with attention. Often children need alittle bit of space. Allow them (once at an appropriate age) to play while you watch from another room.  (Grimes, 2004)

*Give your child the oppritunity to join clubs or teams, it can be confidence building and teach them dedication and responsibility.