Social- the evolution of knowledge of how people interact, play, share, take turns and talk socially (Grimes, 2004).

*Socialization is a big part of a child's emotional development (Grimes,2004).

*Play is great because it helps a child develop socially.
-It shows them how to get along with others,
-how to share,
-and how to take turns (Grimes, 2004).

*Encouraging your child to join clubs and teams is good because it allows your child to meet other kids their age and spend time with them.

*Socialization helps childrens language and communication skills (Grimes, 2004).

*Social skills as a child effect the relationship skills in later life so it is a good thing to encourage your child to make friends.

*In moderation conformity is not a bad thing, encourage your child to think for themselvs but be compadable with those around them (Grimes, 2004).

*Not every child will want to be around people, somtimes, alittle alone time is a great way to let your child reflect on his day.