Remmy is King World

Dear Diary,

I feel so sad yet happy for Remmy. This world is everything he ever dreamed of. Musical fame, stardom, money, adoring fans...all those wonderful, yet terrible things. I wonder about that. I wonder if our Remmy would have given it all up like his double? Would he have grown sick of the limelight too? I somehow can't see it.

We're backstage right now. It's chaos around here. Everyone is prepearing for the big show tonight. I can't wait to hear Remmy sing onstage's hard knowing it'll be for the last time. I've come to love him so much as a friend. We've been through such amazing experiences together. And now...I'm probably never going to see him again.

Is it selfish for me to feel sad about that? I should just feel glad right? I mean, Quinn's right. It IS Remmy's life. Who am I to dictate what he should do? But still I wonder -- is he making the right choice?

I wish I could reassure myself that he'll be happy here, but something in me shakes a fist at it. But of course, I don't know if that's just my own feelings blinding me from the truth.

The hard part is that I will never know, will I?




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