Subjective Observations

As a "Life Change Facilitator"

Page 2

Outside of the fact that I experienced improvements in less than 6 hours, there is nothing "extraordinary" at this point, just the dependable, desirable, beneficial effects of excellent O.R.M.E.s.

One week and one day, -- the aches and pains are going away!
I can't explain it, but its true, my sore spots are less apparent.

I still run out of breath on my walk, and have not noticed sunbeams, yet,
but overall, I feel much better, more awake, less tired, and less unhappy.

Could this all be due to O.R.M.E.s?
I don't have other variables to attribute it to, so perhaps it is!


Vision has had it's ups and downs, indeed I lost ground mid-December with my eyes seemingly dis-enfranchised from my brain during grocery shopping. --- More updates on this as I progress.

I attribute this to lack of continuity in taking my O.R.M.E.s and the vast sweep of bio-rhythms which I have gone through in this time frame.


Energy has also had ups and downs as many things transitioned into new places.

My attempts to change things on a dime has not born fruit, but that does not mean I have given up trying.
Overall energy has remained rather good, except for ~3 days of wishing to sleep for a vast period of time!
(Is anyone missing an apple-wielding aged lady? ... Anyone at all?)

Circadian Rhythm:

This was successful for about 2 weeks, then changed to partially successful, and by Mid-December I have returned to sleeping from 6-11 a.m. daily.

I am not certain what to make of this, but am hoping that the Mediation CDs will assist.

The Hu has resolved well with the use of O.R.M.E.s -- going from gunny sack consistency to silk in about a week. It also had a setback, and I have observed as it re-smoothed itself under the influence of Zinergy and Atlantis's M-3.

Cosmic Heart was excellent, I could have used three times the amount; alas, perhaps another day.


For 2 weeks meditation was very good, best I think it has been; and then -- a bad experience, and have not approached the practice seriously since.

Somehow my meditation session "reached into my past", and killed a part of me, -- which came flooding into my present consciousness before going where-ever it was taken too. A sad experience, as I have now lost two pieces of myself from that particular space-time of my childhood. I feel the loss, and I know it will make quality differences for the duration of my life.

I am obtaining a set of Meditation CDs which are based on frequency modulations, to promote healing and healing states within the brain, directly.

In this way I can circumvent the need to access meditation through my lower Chakras --which in fact seem to be boobie trapped against me, and set to the benefit of someone else!!

I will keep you updated on this, also, as I believe that many more people (than is currently suspected) are actually in the same winnowing apparatus or system that I am in.
For every being "in the grove" how many are in the cosmic milking shed?

General Body Health

Transiting old bio-rhythms; -- old spaces which live in this state (CO), which I was apart from for 10 years, and other things which have been going on (!!), has made it significantly difficult to determine -- what the heck is really happening.

It is really not possible at this juncture to tell what is actually me, and what is not ... so this category is on hold until further data is available. Indeed, my sleep patterns can influence the somatotype of my body the next day, so this is a confusing area which will require caution and insight. Waiting for things to settle down, at the very least.

It is "heck" to be walking so deep (?), -- but then what options exist ... I really don't know.
I have no intentions of going down the "presented path", however!!
I plan to live in a responsible manner; ~not fiddle it up and then fly away to another day.

... ... the dependable, desirable, beneficial effects of excellent O.R.M.E.s.

It is rather like (but much, much faster than), getting good vitamins, minerals and great food all at the same time.

However, we do know there are additional benefits -- not available on short notice from the regular fare.
If any of these seem to pop up, I will also share that with you.

Start Page (Home) for Observations of O.R.M.E.s as a "life change facilitator

Subjective Observations on O.R.M.E.s and life enhancement

Subjective Observations ... Update Page 2

Regimen and Numbers (Stats) for the endeavor

My new acquaintance with Alchemy and M-States.

Migraine Page -- using O.R.M.E.s to address migraine issues

Using M-3 from Atlantis Alchemy

Trying out AU*some Water ... progress

Links Below:

Zero Point Technology -- Home Page

Atlantis Alchemy -- Home Page

Ausome Water Homepage

Some links to other links, to get you on your way! -- (empty at this time)

Recipes -(food)- very good!.

e-Mail to Sally -- Re: O.R.M.E.s or Pages

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