Subjective Observations
Alchemy Products

Zero Point Technologies


Erik at Zero Point was in such wonderful spirits when I called, that I enjoyed considerable savings, and was able to try two additional products!!

If this regimen is successful, perhaps he will consider making this combination cost effective for others.

Zinergy -- overall bio-system benefits
Aqua Gold -- to enhance positive energies, and for meditation correction
Zero Light (white powdered gold) -- to address headache induced 'malefics' and migraine damage
Cosmic Heart (a one time option for an advanced alchemy) -- to be determined! ;-)


To loose weight, to tone the body and to focus the mind. -- [In an O.R.M.E.s positive energy field.]

To overcome certain negative by products of past headaches; including a killer migraine, which left deleterious long term effects.

To overcome a path block in Meditations which has become more than annoying (to say the least).

I began fasting 24 hours before product's arrival.
I hope to continue through the program with a moderated fast, and routine exercise.
I am also trying to reset my biological clock, to daylight hours.
... planned to be a 60 day endeavor, but who can say?

I am basically "thick as the proverbial brick", so O.R.M.E.s effects are generally observed after 24 - 48 hours. I am eating a 60% raw food diet, and exercising regularly. I will put before and after images, and statistics on the "stats" page (links below).

I have not had ORMEs or M-States for 3 months (and I miss the beneficial effects they provide: Including a sense of being centered, clear minded, with additional energy, and a reduction of certain aches and pains).

I will endeavor to provide a clear and unbiased report on the products and the regimen which I have designed to accompany them.

Start Page (Home) for Observations of O.R.M.E.s as a "life change facilitator

Subjective Observations on O.R.M.E.s and life enhancement

Subjective Observations ... Page 2

Regimen and Numbers (Stats) for the endeavor

My new acquaintance with Alchemy and M-States.

Migraine Page -- using O.R.M.E.s to address migraine issues

Using M-3 from Atlantis Alchemy

Trying out AU*some Water ... progress

Links Below:

Zero Point Technology -- Home Page

Atlantis Alchemy -- Home Page

Ausome Water Homepage

Some links to other links, to get you on your way! -- (empty at this time)

Recipes -(food)- very good!.

e-Mail to Sally -- Re: O.R.M.E.s or Pages

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