
Firstly, welcome to you and thank you for visiting our site, the purpose of this site is to give a quick benefitial education of how our channel works for people who are keen to get started. We endeavour to provide easy setup instructions to get you actively involved quickly so you can bypass the hassle of questioning other people countless times or searching the net aimlessly for methods described on our new website in easily understood form.
Coming soon will be stats for the channel etc


This website is for the convenience of users from the #warez-central channel on the Undernet IRC network. This site is still under contruction and was established on the 18th October 2001. If you require further details at this time or wish to comment on our approach to making the website, please contact us in irc.

Connecting To The Channel

To connect to our channel, firstly you need a IRC client software compatible with your operating system such as mIRC 32bit 5.91 for Windows available from mIRC website. For basic configuration start in the options window as in the diagram and fill in the relevant fields, be sure to make the IRC server set to the 'Undernet' network. Now, after clicking OK go to the input line of the status window and type "/join #warez-central" to enter our channel or to join our channel every time automatically go to menu 'File' -> 'Options' -> 'IRC' -> 'Perform' -> (select the box 'On Connect Perform These Commands' and enter "/join #warez-central" into the text field) . Now that you are in the channel you can type plain text in the status window to chat to people and you are free to connect to peoples fserv's.

0-day Access / Dumps

How would you like to have access to scores of 0-day warez dumps? It would be a dream come true for many of you and it's possible, if you have a t1 / t3 / oc-3 line and want to get access to 0-day warez, just become a dump for us. To join the chain of dumps simply contact "ToKe|Al0T" or "chees" or any other op available in #warez-central or #wc-recruit.

Fserv's (File Servers)

To set up an fserv you should install the polaris 2001 script, then simply run mIRC as per usual, then set up your fserv settings in the 'Polaris IRC' -> 'Script Settings' menu, and then advertise your file server in our channel by right-mouse-clicking in the status window and selecting "Advertise" accordingly.
To access an fserv and leech or upload files with other people, you will first notice that file server ads will appear in our channel and for each there will be specified a 'Trigger' such as "!chees" often identified with an exclamation mark as prefix. Now all you need to do to activate that trigger is to select the trigger name with your mouse which will automatically copy that trigger name to the clipboard, then paste it into the command line (CTRL-V) and press Enter. This will start a DCC Chat with the person serving the fserv and once the chat is established type 'help' for a list of commands (assuming you using polaris script).

FTP's (File Transfer Protocol's)

To set up an ftp server you need the correct server software, download 'G6 Ftp Server' available here, and follow an online manual to set it up, then assuming your connected to our channel and are running polaris 2001, go to the 'Polaris IRC' -> 'FTP Ad' menu and adjust the details according to your ftp details, then to run it, right-mouse-click in the status window and select 'FTP Ads' and start the system with timer set to 10-15 minutes, and be sure your server is online so people can connect.
To access an ftp for leech or upload purposes you will need ftp client software such as 'WS Ftp 6.0' or 'Cute FTP' etc. and when you see an ftp ad in our channel simply copy the details into your ftp client, connect and enjoy.

Ops/+'s (Operators/Voices)

The ops in the channel are indicated by prefix '@' before their name. These users/bots have every privelege governing your conduct in the channel and may also provide assistance. The voices in the channel prefix '+' before their name are often those persons who are running and fserv/ftp serving in the channel and in most cases don't have op priveleges. The other users in the channel may simply be afk (away from keyboard), or leeching from servers with no inclination to serve any files whatsoever (in most cases their not inclined to even share the files that they have previously leeched from the generous users in the channel). We promote 100% leech in our channel.

Sends / Queues / Slots Free

When you are in the channel, you will notice that most ads display something like this example => 'Trigger: !chees Min CPS: 2.0Kb/s Online:(0/4) Sends:(1/4) Queues:(16/20)'. These are essential and easy to understand, firstly the 'Trigger' is what you type to access the fserv as explained previously, the Min CPS' is the minimum leech speed you must reach to remain connected to a download from that persons fserv, 'Online' represents how many people are currently browsing through the fserv to see what is available, 'Sends' displays how many people are currently leeching from that fserv (the 0 in the example above) out of max allowed (the 4), and 'Queues' is how many people are waiting in line to begin receiving the file (the 16) out of maximum allowed to queue in line (the 20). Some fserv's require you to remain connected to the channel to remain in the queue or continue a leech from the fserv. If an fserv says there is a 'Slot Free' this simply means that there is a send (leech) spot available on that fserv, the first person to type the trigger and start leeching a new file from the server will take that spot.

Requests / TDCC / XDCC

Requests, TDCC and XDCC can be configured in menu: 'Polaris IRC' -> 'Script Settings' -> 'Request Ad'. Requests are simply ads which express what a user is searching for and hopes a nice person will notice the ad, have the file/s and send it to them. TDCC allows a person to run up to five seperate file ads where for each only a single file is available for download, whilst XDCC allows you to run somthing similar but only one ad with a list of files (its recommended that you don't make to many files listed here else you'll be kicked for flooding).

Virus Risk

Be careful whilst running IRC, especially with auto-get file setting enabled as in menu 'File' -> 'Options' -> 'DCC' -> 'On Send Request'. You may be sent a triggerable virus file which will infect your computer with a worm / trojan or backdoor such as the recent circulation of the file called "Fable.pif" (the fable PIF worm virus) or "Lifestages.vbs" which is some sub-seven backdoor virus from memory and are often auto-sent to people entering certain channels. For best prevention (assuming you want to leave auto-get enables) go to menu 'File' -> 'Options' -> 'DCC' -> 'Folders' and select the 'Ignore File Types' box and enter the following "*.vbs,*.pif,*.shs" or whichever other files you wish to ignore. This is just a personal recommendation.

Essential Downloads

W-C Rules
W-C Members List
W-C Ftp List (October)
Privacy Act


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Thanks must go to those of you who give feedback to me in the channel and to mention some names, ToKe|Al0T who helped with the original idea, Big_Dawg for recovering the channel rules, and |PhARO| who has suggested a login system for selected loyal channel members with access to live dumps etc.


I have added a script to run mp3's with control whilst in the channel in conjunction with winamp external player and another one used for displaying your computer hardware profile to other users as given below:
CPU Info Display Script
Go to menu 'Tools' -> 'Aliases', where it will indicate that you are editing a file like 'alias2.ini', now, enter "/info /say %alert Win $+ $os memory $dll(moo.dll,meminfo,_) cpu info. $dll(moo.dll,cpuinfo,_) resolution: $window(-1).w $+ x $+ $window(-1).h uptime( $+ $dll(moo.dll,uptime,_) $+ )" to the top row of the document and press OK. Now copy the file "moo.dll" found in the downloaded file (temporarily down, message me if you want it) to your windows system directory (i.e. c:\windows\system\moo.dll) and to run the program simple type "/info" in a chat window for your hardware details to be displayed.
MP3 Player Script
Copy "badass.mrc" file found in the downloaded file (temporarily down, message me if you want it) to your mirc base directory (i.e c:\mirc\badass.mrc). Now, in mIRC go to menu 'File' -> 'Options' -> 'IRC' -> 'Perform' -> (select the box 'On Connect Perform These Commands' and enter "/load -rs badass.mrc" into the text field) now, every time you load mirc that script will load, set it up and to run a song simply right-mouse-click in any chat channel window that you want to write to and select 'Bad Ass Mp3' -> ...
Idle Script by chees
I created this little script myself. When your logged onto someones fserv, and hate to see the screen "Closing idle connection in 30 seconds ..." then add this code to the menu 'TOOLS' -> 'ALIASES' in the top line of the document paste the following: "/idle /timer1 0 100 /say 4a8n4t8i4-8i4d8l4e 8s4c8r4i8p4t 9b13y 9c13h9e13e9s" and select OK. Then all you have to do whenever you log into someones fserv and want to stay there rather than have to keep connecting to it or seeing that annoying message is to type at the command line "/idle" to run the timer script in that window and text will appear automatically every 100 seconds to prevent d/c. If someone can manage to write an addon for it so it automatically loads whenever you join someones fserv, pls message me and tell me how.


The help with timers that i can give you is quite basic but it helped me to run a text ad in the channel advertising the new website. a timer simply displays certain text repetitavely every interval of time. Firstly go to menu 'Tools' -> 'Aliases' and ad the text of your timer to the top line of the alias.ini code. The code you will enter here will be something to the nature of "/moo /timerX 0 300 /msg #warez-central 15visit the 8N E W15 website for 0,1warez-central", now whenever you type in "/moo" in the channel your timer will begin and display the message every 5 minutes (300), where the X in "/timerX" will be your timer number if you have multiple timers. Caution, do not set timers any less than 300 because you may get kicked from the room for flooding. Thanks go to GWARslave for telling me how to run timers :)


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