Interview With Nando
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Q: When was the first time you learned that you were hooked on VW?

A: That was probably sometime in the winter of 1994. I sat inside a MKIII GTI, and found it very relaxing. Since then I been enthusiastic about them.

Q: If you were running for Miss Universe what would you wear as your night gown?

A: I dont think I should answer this but here goes. I would wear a black dress down to my ankle with sleeves that extend over my elbow. Some black shoes and hopefully Ill be allowed a wig...

Q: Whats better Coke or Pepsi?
- John

A: Pepsi is a bit sweeter then Coke, although Coke is more rewarding. Ill have to pick Pepsi.

Q: If you could be fire or water what would you be?

A: That sounds familiar... Id choose water, because everyone needs water and fire burns and no one can resist water, and Id own the world!

Q: If you could prevent one event in history what would it be?

A: I would make them build the tower of Piza on solid ground.

Q: If you were the president of the US what would you do?

A: I would make them build an indoor pool, and an indoor lazer tag arena. Within the White House.
Some People Think Ill Look Like This In 10 Years
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Name: Nando
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