A Word About...

Photography has been a fervent hobby since my first plastic camera in Gosford at age 9. While laying no claims to artistic merit or arrangement, the following images are personal favourites and some have even won competition awards. Enjoy!



Child, do not throw this book about;
Refrain from the unholy pleasure
Of cutting all the pictures out!

The Bad Child's Book of Beasts, Hilaire Belloc




€ tested with iCab2.1, Cyberdog 2 and IE5 with ca. 600 pixel width browser window. For best viewing, turn off the navigation and location bars.

€ The images were optimized on a Mac (gamma=1.8) and so may appear a little dark on a PC.

€ Images transferred from standard prints or slides using Epson GT-7000 scanner and Adobe Photoshop.

€ To hear BG sounds (e.g. )you require Quicktime 3 or 4.