Win Blackjack Anywhere


Page designed by Valère DeBuck (mail me for any comment...)

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Win Blackjack Anywhere was designed by Frank De Backer, Johan Vervust and Veerle Van den Abeele.


Win Blackjack Anywhere is a computer program. It contains the rules of all the Casinos in the world concerning Blackjack.

Win Blackjack Anywhere has a winning chance of 51 up to 53 %. This simply means that, if you play Blackjack according the rules the program contains, you have a chance of at least 51 to 49 to win lots of money, even when your opponent is Ceasars Palace !!


Years of study proceeded Win Blackjack Anywhere, by several engineers and informatici, before commencing programming.

Years of programming followed the analysis.



The result ? Win Blackjack Anywhere !!


Interested ??

Just click Win Blackjack Anywhere !




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