I was buying Keystone Ice and Doritos at the beer store when I heard a sample from an old science fiction movie, the kind where atomic doom is fleshed out in awful alien beings and lonely planets.  A man’s frantic voice spoke, “I’ve become obsessed with the notion that I’m the last man on Earth.”  I thought, ‘That’s not obsession!  Obsession is looking in the mirror and wondering if your eyes are too far apart.'

Premiere Issue

April 2002

One: Caveat Emptor
Two: Premiere Music
Three: McSorley's Wonderful Saloon
Gooski’s, Polish Hill
Four: Scooby Doo Revisited
Five: That’s Montgomery Clift, Honey!
Edward Hopper
Six: The Komeda Kommode
Tindersticks-Trouble Every Day
Seven: An Open Letter to Andie Macdowell
In the Next Issue
Credits, Gratitude, Sundry Bitching