The Pit of Despair
You have just reached the greatest and most important page on the Internet.  Not only is it the greatest page now, but nothing from the past compares to it, and leading scientists question whether mankind is capable of surpassing it in the foreseeable future.  Other web designers have been known to quit their jobs immediately upon viewing this page, knowing that nothing they have done or will ever do can possibly hope to equal this, the single greatest endeavor in the history of mankind.  I don’t want to oversell it though, so check it out for yourself.
Now, I know what you’re saying.  You’re saying, “Chris, my socks have been blown off, and now my feet are getting cold.  It is evident even to one such as I that you have created something beautiful.  But what exactly can find at this Mecca, this Shangri-La, this shining beacon of all that is good and right in a world of infidels and debauchery? Pray tell.”

Your question is a valid one, my impetuous friend.  Listed below with helpful illustrations are some of what you can expect to find.  Clicking on the photos will open up a whole new world of unparalleled bliss.  
Fine literature
Anthropomorphic veggies
Me (actual photo)
Web links
Stuff I worked hard on
Above: My Irish ancestors circa 1855
Magee family genealogy
Despite the appearance of the icon, this is actual a serious page.  Nothing funny on it, besides maybe some people’s names.  Hattie?  What kind of name is that?
More random pictures
Now, perhaps you’re thinking “Everything here is better than sex, but I’m the kind of person who’s always wanting more.  Never satisfied.  Just keep taking and taking, never giving back.  Leeching off the rest of humanity like... well, a leech.  What else you got?”  

Question ME, will you?  Very well.  I ask you this: How many other sites on the web can offer you a Sprinkle Genie AND a Scottish polar bear?  Not many, because I’ve looked.  Oh God, how I’ve looked.  
This page was created using voodoo and ritual sacrifice. Each photo cost me one chicken, so I hope you appreciate them.
You can always contact me at, or just look out your window, because I’m usually hiding in the bushes.

Last updated October 28, 2007.