Principal  Professor and Curator of Mammals, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.

My main interest is the systematics, morphology, biogeography, and conservation of Neotropical mammals. I am currently working on the systematic revision of the genus
Thomasomys  and phylogenetic analyses of the thomasomyine group of rodents, and the effect of forests fragmentation on the diversity of small mammals communities in montane habitats.

Besides that, other current projects deal with biodiversity of the dry forests in Tumbes, macrozonification and ecology of montane forests in Huanuco, assessment of endangered species in the rio Apurimac valley, zoonosis (leptospirosis, arbovirus, hantavirus and lyssavirus) and consulting on environmental issues. My undergraduate and postgraduate students work on systematics, biogeography, ecology and conservation of mammals, frogs and fishes.
Mi vita
Collection of Mammals
Peruvian Diversity of Mammals, 1995:
Pacheco, V., and B. D. Patterson.  1991.  Phylogenetic Relationships of the New World Bat Genus Sturnira (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 206: 101-121. pdf

Pacheco, V., and B. D. Patterson. 1992. Systematics and biogeographic analyses of four species of
Sturnira (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), with emphasis on Peruvian forms, Memorias del Museo de Historia Natural, UNMSM (Lima) 21: 57-81. pdf

Patterson, B. D., V. Pacheco, and M. V. Ashley.  1992.  On the origins of the Western slope region of endemism: Systematics of fig-eating bats, genus
Artibeus. Memorias del Museo de Historia Natural, UNMSM (Lima) 21: 189-205. pdf

Pacheco, V. 1991.  A new species of
Scolomys (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) from Peru.  Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Natural, UNMSM (A) 37: 1-3

Pacheco, V., B. D. Patterson, J. L. Patton, L. H. Emmons, S. Solari, and C. Ascorra.  1993.  List of mammal species known to occur in Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru.  Publicaciones del Museo de Historia Natural, UNMSM (A) 44:1-12.

Pacheco, V. and J.L. Patton.  1995.  A new species of the Puna mouse, genus
Punomys Osgood, 943 (Muridae, Sigmodontinae) from the Southeastern Andes of Perú.  Z. Säugetierkunde 60: 85-96.

Pacheco, V., H. de Macedo, E. Vivar, C. Ascorra, R. Arana-Cardo, and S. Solari.  1995.  Lista Anotada de los Mamíferos Peruanos. Occasional Papers in Conservation Biology 2: 1-35.

Patterson, B. D., V. Pacheco, and S. Solari.  1996.  Distributions of bats along an elevational gradient in the Andes of south-eastern Peru.  Journal of Zoology 240: 637-658.

Vivar, E., V. Pacheco, and M. Valqui.  1997.  A New Species of
Cryptotis (Insectivora: Soricidae) from Northern Peru.  American Museum Novitates 3202: 1--15

Patterson, B. D. , D. F. Stotz, S. Solari, J. W. Fitzpatrick, and V. Pacheco.  1998.  Contrasting patterns of elevational zonation for birds and mammals in the Andes of southeastern Peru.  Journal of Biogeography 25: 593--607.

Solari, S., V. Pacheco, and E. Vivar.   1999 (2000).  New distribution records of Peruvian bats.  Revista Peruana de Biologia, 6(2): 152-159.

Voss, R.S., M. Gómez-Laverde, and V. Pacheco.   2002.  A new genus for
Aepeomys fuscatus Allen, 1912, and Oryzomys intectus Thomas, 1921: Enigmatic murid rodents from Andean cloud forests.  American Museum Novitates 3373: 1-- 42

Ochoa G., J., M. Aguilera, V. Pacheco, and P. J. Soriano.  2001.  A new species of
Aepeomys Thomas 1898 (Rodentia: Muridae) from the Andes of Venezuela.  Mammalian Biology 66: 228-237.

Pacheco, V. 2002.  Mamiferos del Peru, pp. 503-550. In Diversidad y conservacion de los mamiferos neotropicales (G. Ceballos and J. Simonetti, Eds.). CONABIO-UNAM. Mexico, D.F.

Zeballos-Patrón H., V. Pacheco and L. Baraybar.  2001 (2002).  Diversidad y conservación de los mamíferos de Arequipa, Perú.  Revista Peruana de Biología 8(2): 94-104.

Lunde D. and V. Pacheco, 2003. Shrew opossums (Paucituberculata:
Caenolestes) from the Huancabamba region of east Andean Peru. Mammal Study 28(2):145-148. pdf

Pacheco, V., and J. Amanzo.  2003.  Análisis de datos de cacería en las Comunidades nativas de Pikiniki y Nuevo Belén, Río Alto Purús, pp. 217-225.  In Alto Purús, Biodiversidad, Conservación y Manejo (R. Leite Pitman, N. Pitman and P. Alvarez, Eds.).  Center for Tropical Conservation.  Impreso Gráfica S.A., Lima, Perú.

Pacheco, V.,  S. Solari and P.M. Velazco.  2004. A new species of
Carollia (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from the Andes of Peru and Bolivia. Occasional Papers Museum Texas Tech University 236: 1-15.  pdf

Matthias MA, Diaz MM, Campos KJ, Calderon M, Willig MR, Pacheco V, Gotuzzo E., Gilman R.H., and J.M. Vinetz. 2005. Diversity of bat-associated  Leptospira in the Peruvian Amazon inferred by Bayesian phylogeneticanalysis of 16S ribosomal DNA sequences. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 73(5): 964-974.

Aguilar, C. and  V. Pacheco. 2005. Contribución de la morfología bucofaríngea larval a la filogenia de
Batrachophrynus y Telmatobius (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Revista Española de Herpetología. In Lavilla, E. O. & De la Riva, I. (eds.), Estudios sobre las ranas andinas de los géneros Telmatobius y Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptdactylidae), pp.103-114. Asociación Herpetológica Española, Monografías de Herpetología 7. Valencia, Spain.
Selected publications:
Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Apartado 140434, Lima-14, Peru
511 2650570
Peruvian Mammals: Diversity and endemism, 2009
Diversidad y endemismo de mamiferos peruanos
Museo Historia Natural:
Victor Pacheco T., Ph.D.
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