
Vrajavala goundar a.k.a./Dr. Bobbi Anne White

      Hiding in the ghetto
      Secret codes
      different modes
      rituals, tattoos

      Hidden meanings
      Secret passes
      Locks everywhere

      From a dynasty

      Stealing into my dreams,
      Ancient past
      Tortured each millennium
      Memories that will last

      This time,
      no Christian, I,
      no costumes hiding
      my reality

      shekels, locks tattoos
      numeric codes
      once was I
      a jew

      No new reality
      Cast from the Emerald Shore
      Bonds that lock
      Behind the ghetto

      Why would a wo/man
      Have more than three?
      When persecution
      Is a reality

    written Spring 2001 when I was writing Em-bhargho, after the tragic death of my sister Jeannette. These words appeared in my dreams. I had never seen the word"shekel" before and was surprised to find it in the dictionary.