There comes a time in the life of every person when one must decide on which principles one is to stand.  Such a time has presented itself in my own life and in the life of this campaign.

Over the past weeks I have been confronted with and concerned by the funds that have been raised by countless politicians across this country.  Consider this: half the world -- nearly three billion people -- live on less than two dollars a day.  Accross the world, 1.3 billion live on less than one dollar a day; 1.3 billion have no access to clean water; 3 billion have no access to sanitation and 2 billion have no access to electricity.
This site is maintained by The People Who Vote Large, 1349 Meier Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208, Brigid Kelly, Treasurer.
With these stunning statistics, billions of dollars are raised nation-wide in campaign funds, while faith-based and community organizations struggle to provide for those in need.  Where is our moral outrage?  Where are those people who claim that government is the problem and that the citizens of this nation should claim personal responsibility to solve our social ills?  Are these not the same people who raise money for and give to political candidates who are seeking to be a part of what they call the "problem?" 

Throughout my campaign I have focused on the idea of better, more responsible government and a new kind of political and community leadership.  I will continue to focus on thes ideas and I will continue to encourage people to elect me to the office of the Clerk of Courts.  Most importantly, I am calling on every citizen from every walk of life to give all they can -- not to me or my campaign, but to charitable organizations that are doing good work in our community and in our world to help those in need.  I call on every citizen to take personal responsibility and live the call of all of our great faith traditions to work to end this great suffering in our world and in our own country.

Never before have we been faced with so profound a moment, or so exciting an opportunity to be the change we wish to see in the world.  It is my goal to take this message of community opportunity to every citizen in Hamilton County.  To show my commitment to this crusade, I am officially declaring that I will raise no more than $10,000 to run my campaign for Clerk of Courts in Hamilton County.

I am a person of faith, a minister and a seminary graduate.  My faith informs everything that I am.  But I am speaking not only to people of faith and I am not suggesting that only faith communities should respond to this call.  I am speaking to all people who have a passion for healing this human community and raising our world to achieve its best dreams and ideals.

In the words of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring."

I hope you will all come along with me on this great campaign and a quest to reinvent government and public service.  Together we will take a new message of hope and opportunity to the people of Hamilton County.

Ed Large
Democratic Candidate for Clerk of Courts
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