Russia Samara Mission
The Greatest Mission in the World
Backgroundish Stuff
          Russia Samara is the 3rd oldest LDS Mission in Russia,and although others may try to claim it, is really the Greatest Mission in the World.  It is the largest in Russia, covering 3 time zones.  There were 11 cities open in the mission while I served there:  Samara, Novokyibishevsk, Togliatti, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Marx, Engles, Saratov, Penza, Balakova, and Orenburg... for a total of 16 branches and 2 districts.  While I was there, we had about 100 missionaries in the mission.
Be sure to visit the more official Russia Samara Mission alumni type site HERE.
Photos From the Mission
The Empty Sea
sunset over the Volga
CAMAPA - Avrori
Togliatti - Old City
CAPATOB - Dachni
Misc. Mission Pictures
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Updated 11.IX.2002