The story of Von Zipper

U-boat In 1917, while on a secret spy mission off the coast of California, a German U-boat was drawn into a deep gorge and sent on a time the future! The submarine reappeared at the exact same spot, some 80 years later, in 1997. Breaking the surface just off the beach, the captain's periscope revealed all had changed. Intercepting radio signals confirmed the sailors' worst fears: their side had lost the Great War.

Further monitoring of the radio tuned in a strange kind of music they had never heard before: fast-paced, snappy drums with echoey-wet rapid-firing electric guitar and throbbing, pulsating bass. The sound so mezmerized the crew, they were unable to work. Instead, they stripped to their shorts and began gyrating uncontrollably, with a glassy-eyed hypnotic smile stitched to their face.

The captain demanded to know the source of this fascinating behavior. His answer: surf music. More in-depth research revealed the spasmodic sound's origin: the early 1960's in California. The early 60's, when American culture was all-powerful; California, the center of the American universe. The captain instantly knew THIS was the key to reclaiming the Kaiser's glory.

Kaiser Wilhelm His vision fully-formed, the captain sent ashore three stoic men, from the unit's renowned Oom-Pah band: tuba player Buddy Schnitzel, cornetist Erik Doppelbock and bass drummer Josef Schlitz. Their mission: master the surf sound and recruit revolutionaries (fans) through the use of intense musical propaganda. Then, wade back to their U-boat, to journey back through the time portal, in the hopes of re-joining their lost fleet......and with their newfound intelligence, change the face of history!

Charged with saving the future of the Fatherland, the three men hit the beach in the Summer of '97. They now took on new personas (to avoid detection) and new instruments: Baron Buddy Von Zipper, bass guitar; Count Erik Von Zipper, electric guitar; and Rear Gunner Josef Von Zipper, drums. Together they formed "Von Zipper" the world's first WWI-era German spy-surf band. They are destined to be the last, for they will conquer all, or die trying.