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You and I lead different lives. Some spend the whole life pursuing material wants, others decide to devote their time to religion or society. Life, as we all know, presents us challenges almost everyday. Nothing is permanent and change is constant. But ask yourself: What do you want to achieve out of your life? I think this question is often neglected or avoided. Begin with the end in mind...


About Buddhism
One usually doesn't consider religion until a setback in life occurs. Then one starts to ask "Why". But knowing the "Why" may not solve all your problems. Mere understanding of what is happening around you may not help you to a great extent. What is most important is to practise diligently. But is Buddhism suitable for me? Keep an open mind...

Learning About Buddhism


A religion or philosophy? Come to find out more yourself !

Some Facts About Buddha
The Bodhisatta Prince Siddhatta Gotama (Siddhartha Gautama) was born in Lumbini in North India in May in the 6th century BCE. He left the palace and its luxurious life to live the life of a holy man at 29 years old. At the age of 35, under a Bodhi tree, he attained Enlightenment by realising the truth at Buddha Gaya in May. He taught for the rest of his life until he passed away at Kusinara when he was 80 years old.

The Four Noble Truths

1. Life is Dukkha (unsatisfactoriness.)
2. Dukkha is caused by selfishness, greed or craving.
3. If this greed is overcome or transcended, then Dukkha is ended.
4. The way to achieve this is to follow the Noble Eightfold Path, namely:
- Right Understanding
- Right Thoughts
- Right Speech
- Right Actions
- Right Livelihood
- Right Effort
- Right Mindfulness
- Right Concentration

Thoughts For The Day
1. Accept what comes into our lives and let go of what leaves our lives.
2. A mind that is saturated by lovingkindness cannot be overcome by fear; even if fear should arise, it will not overpower such a mind.
3. A way to discover intimacy with ourselves and all of life is to live with integrity, basing our lives on a vision of compassionate nonharming.
4. Living a clear and simple life, free from resentment, fear, and guilt, extends into our sleeping, dreaming, and waking.

Do not pursue the past.
Do not lose yourself in the future.
The past no longer is.
The future has not yet come.
Looking deeply at life as it is
in the very here and now,
the practictioner dwells
in stability and freedom.'
By Buddha

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Revised: 08 October, 2000.