<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/vonjon43/misty2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hello, Yvonne-
I have checked out your site and I would be happy to offer you one
of our GenieSpeak Site Awards.  Your site is attractive, informative and easy to use and offers a service to those doing famliy research.

Thank you Helen   28.4.2002
Congratulations, Yvonne Pratt!
Your site, The Corner Stones To Our Family Heritage, at http://www.oocities.org/vonjon43/,
has been successfully nominated for Leith Hutton's Genealogy Homepage Award of Excellence.
It met all the criteria taken into account when giving the award.
I enjoyed visiting your site; you have clearly put a substantial
amount of time and effort into the research of your family and this
is evident in the range of information you have available.
Keep up the great work!
Best regards
Leith Hutton
Thank you Leith.        30.4.2002
Thank you Ruth     28.4.2002
Your site as listed above has been chosen as a winner of The Seasons
of Change Gold Award for May 2002.
I enjoyed my visit to your site.  Thanks for making the web a better
place. It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work into your web space.
This award is not automatic.  All sites are viewed .
The Gold Award is the highest honour each month.  Only Eight sites
are chosen to receive this award each month.
It is very difficult to win this award. Your doing so means that
I was very impressed by your web site.
Your Site will be listed as a winner in the Gold section at 
Best Regards,
Thank you John         30.4.2002
My visit with you was very much enjoyed and I spent quite a bit of time just looking browsing.
Its been a real pleasure...
I am very happy to send you my award.
Keep up the great work you are doing

Warm regards,
Thank you Gerry                18.5.2002
Congratulations, what a wonderful site. We would like to award you and your
site with the attached award.
Thank you so much for sharing your families past with tomorrows future.
Tonya Kellum    28.5.2002
My Family's Heart Genealogy -

    Thank you Tonya
Your genealogy website shows a great dedication to your research findings.Your hard work is evident in the details you have displayed.  I especiallyenjoyed the Cemetery Inscription sections and the old tombstones pictures.
Please accept this Family Quest Award of Excellence from GenQuest and keep up the good work! 
Thank you Tammy        9.6.2002
With thanks to Christian Richtscheid and the dynastree team for their award which was a complete surprise.