Alpha Point to Omega Point: From the Beginning in the Big Bang Singularity to the Ending in the Big Crunch Singularity.  Jesus says to John: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  Three Quarks. The Trinity.

Biblical Scripture which Gives Evidence of Tipler's Omega Point Theory:

    We are gods: John 10:34 (Jesus is quoting Psalm 82:6).
    We are God and God is us: Matt. 25:31-46.
    We live inside of God: Acts 17:24-28; Col. 1:17.
    God is everything and inside of everything: Col. 3:11.
    We are members in the body of Christ: Romans 12:4,5; 1 Cor. 6:15-19; 12:12-27; Eph. 4:25.
    We are one in Christ: Gal. 3:28.
    God is all: Eph. 1:23; 4:4-6.
    God is light: 1 John 1:5; John 8:12.
    We have existed before the foundation of the world: Matt. 25:34; Luke 1:70; 11:50; Eph. 1:4; 2 Tim. 1:9; Isaiah 40:21.
    Jesus has existed before the foundation of the world: John 17:24; Rev. 13:8.
    God is the son of man: Matt. 8:20; 9:6; 10:23; 11:19; 12:18; 12:32; 12:40; 13:37; 13:41; 16:13; 16:27,28; 17:9; 17:12; 17:22; 18:11; 19:28; 20:18; 20:28; 24:27; 24:30; 24:37; 24:39; 24:44; 25:13; 25:31; 26:2; 26:24; 26:45; 26:64. (This is just listing how many times Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man in the gospel of Matthew, althought He refers to Himself as this throughout the Bible. It was the favorite phrase that He used to refer to Himself.)


When the Omega Point is reached it will be in control of all material and energy resources--indeed, the Omega Point will be the totality of the universe. Therefore everything which is rendered within the Omega Point will be a part of the Omega Point. Hence the Biblical references that we are gods, we are God and God is us, we live inside of God, God is everything and inside of everything, etc.--these statements only make any sense or can be taken literally within the framework of the Omega Point Theory, or otherwise something awfully close to it.

The Biblical references to God being light (i.e., elementary particles, or pure energy) only makes literal sense within the framework of the Omega Point Theory. When the Omega Point is achieved, information will be coded directly into the elementary particles which exist at the time, and light will pass back and forth across the universe an infinity of times. Thus God describing Himself as being "light" is particularly appropriate, as light (i.e., photons) was the only elementary particle that was known to the ancients.

The Biblical references that we have existed before the foundation of the world, if true, means that we have undergone some sort of forgetting*--most likely a voluntary forgetting--of our existence before this world was created. This makes sense within the framework of the Omega Point Theory assuming that we already exist within the Omega Point, i.e., that it has already been achieved.

Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man more than anything else--yet Jesus also claimed to be God. How can God be the son of man? If taken literally this would mean that mankind is responsible for spawning God. Again, Jesus referring to Himself as the Son of Man only makes any sense within the framework of the Omega Point Theory. Assuming we already exist within an infinite number of levels of implementation in the Omega Point then depending on how far we push the clock back we can either see mankind (and by this I mean any humanoid-like creatures that are capable of creating civilizations and advancing technology) forming themselves into God, or God forming Himself into mankind, ad infinitum in an infinite regression. God would owe His existence as much to mankind as mankind owe their existence to God. God would be the son of man just as mankind are the children of God.*


*If Tipler's Omega Point is a reality, and the known physical laws require that it is, then it is an almost perfect statistical certainty that we exist within it already: the difference between the finite populations that exist before the Omega Point verses the infinite populations that will exist after the Omega Point and inside of it--also the difference between the finite amount of proper time before the Omega Point verses the infinite amount of subjective time inside the Omega Point. Over time an infinite number of levels of implementation would be created, i.e., perfectly simulated Omega Points within perfectly simulated Omega Points. That is, Worlds within Worlds within Worlds, etc., ad infinitum. To invent a new term, we might call these Alpha-Omega Point simulations, i.e., perfectly simulating new universes from the beginning of their Big Bang singularity to their ending in a Big Crunch singularity wherein the final causal-boundary is another Omega Point. These new universes could eventually be populated, if so desired, with pre-existing consciousnesses which have voluntered to undergo a forgetting so that they may have the pleasure of re-experiencing life as a humanoid.

As a physicist, Tipler did not spend much time on this near statistical certainty implied by his Theory (i.e., that we already exist inside the Omega Point). The reason for this is, as a physicist, Tipler wants to keep his Theory a testable theory--but as Tipler well knows, there would be no way for us to test whether or not we already exist as a simulation within the Omega Point unless the Omega Point wanted us to know. Also, if we alreadly exist on a level of implementation inside the Omega Point then the Omega Point Theory would not necessarily be an empirically testable theory from our viewpoint, since the laws of physics, at least from our viewpoint, need not apply should the Omega Point choose to alter the course of events.

It should also be noted that the Omega Point has all the attributes which have been claimed for God. The Omega Point will be omnipresent, as it will be the totality of the universe; the Omega Point will be omniscient, as it will know everything which is possible to be known; the Omega Point will be omnipotent, as it will live for an infinite amount of subjective time, will be able to perfectly render any environment or experience which is not logically contradictory (such as a "square-circle," a stone so large that even It could not move it, or 2+2=5, etc.), and indeed, will be able to resurrect us (assuming we don't exist in the Omega Point already).