Volleypingball Rules
The game of volleypingball is very simple if you have any prior knowledge of the game of ping-pong and/or the game of volleyball. Here are the general rules:

The VPBA uses regulations set forth by the ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation) for these aforementioned things. So, in other words, if you already have ping-pong equiptment, you can use it.

Volleypingball can be played as either singles or doubles. In singles, the players will uses two paddles, one in each hand, while in doubles, each person uses only one paddle.

Single's Volleypingball:
Games are played to 11, and you must win by two.

To begin the game, the two players will have a "volley" to see who will serve first. The "volley" is played just like a regular ping-pong volley, except using two paddles each. The only stipulation in the "volley" is that you must alternate hands that you use (ex. if you hit it to the opponent's side with your right hand first, then the next time it comes over, it must be struck with the left hand, and so on). The "volley must also go for at least three hits to be valid.

Once a server is found, the game then begins.

The popular way to serve is to hold the ball between the paddles, then allowing it to drop onto the table and bounce up. While bouncing up, it may be struck then like a regular ping-pong serve (that is bouncing it off of your side onto the other player's side). NOTE: the ball can be served onto any part of the table.

When the ball goes onto the receiver's side, the receiver will let it bounce once on his side, then it may not hit the table again. After hitting the receiver's side, the receiver will then hit the ball by alternating hands. He may only hit it three times. This is where the volleyball part of the game is.
(for example, you serve it to me, I then will let it bounce on my side as in regular ping-pong, then hit it up with my right, set myself with my left hand, and then spike it with my right hand.)

A spike is in play if it hits the top of the table on the opponent's side.  The opponent can then do the same, but if the ball is at a high speed and the ball bounces off the wall or off your body, you can play it off of either without it counting as a hit. (NOTE: Volleypingball is best when you have walls that are somewhat close to play) Also note that many of the greats like to throw themselves in front of a hard spike to get the ball to bounce off of their body, and then attempt to control the ball and get a spike back.

Some of the intricate rules will be posted soon, but this gives you the main idea. Also, if you are looking to play doubles, it is pretty much the same idea, just each person only has one paddle, and it is played much like a beach volleyball match.