No Credibility No Faith in the System
by Clifford J. Marlowe

Justice Harding’s dissenting was right when he said:

"Clearly, the only remedy authorized by law would be a statewide recount of more than 170,000 "no-vote" ballots by December 12. Even if such a recount were possible, speed would come at the expense of accuracy, and it would be difficult to put any faith or credibility in a vote total achieved under such chaotic conditions.

In order to undertake this unprecedented task, the majority has established standards for manual recounts–a step that this Court refused to take in an earlier case."

We have all heard the saying "haste makes waste." The Bible says, "he that hasteth, sinneth" and what is happing in Florida is a sin. Justice Harding was right. We lose accuracy when we speed the count along. We lose more than that. We lose the American people’s faith and credibility in our system of government.

The world is watching us allowing the system to be destroyed by lawyers. Partisan Judges create laws for self serving purposes. This is the beginning of a dictatorship. This is why our founding fathers made it so hard for one person to become a dictator.

We need to embrace the separations of powers and not allow judges to usurp the law by crafty words. No amount of legal labels can cover up the smell of rotten jurist prudence. Site all the law they want as to why they did it, it stinks and the world knows it.

At the trial Judge Lewis said he just wanted to be "positive" but at what expense? Racing through thousands of votes with no real standard?

The Federal Supreme Court has to step into great matters and express itself in a powerful way. They have in our nation's history, so why should they be afraid now? Now is what they live for and way they are the SUPREME Court.

Let them not be neutral, but speak and with authority. When Jesus spoke, they said he spoke not as the scribes but with authority. Now is when the nation needs a real voice of authority. If the Federal Supreme Court is silent now, I guess the State Supreme Court will be the last voice we hear on one of the most pressing matters in our nation’s history. How sad that would be.