Lieberman’s Moral Dilemma

By Cliff Marlowe     8/18/00

Will the real Joe Lieberman please step forward? We forget that the word politician really means to speak out of both sides of your mouth. We call it double-talk. Just in case you missed it, here is a great example of double talk by Joe Lieberman during the Clinton scandal with Monica. Senator Joe Lieberman said the following on September 3, 1998 on the Senate floor:

"my feelings of disappointment and anger have not dissipated"

"the damage that the President's conduct has doneof the impact of his actions on our democracy and its moral foundations." "Such behavior is not just inappropriate. It is immoral."

Then on November 11 and 12, 1998 Senator Lieberman issued a statement in Buenos Aires during the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change:

"I commend President Clinton and Vice President Gore for their moral and political leadership…"

What’s with that? Commend Clinton and Gore on moral leadership? How can Liberman justify these two statements only months apart? In one he says Clinton is immoral, and in the other he is moral. Which is it Joe? Is he moral or immoral? In the words of the "straight talk express" it is called "double talk", "speaking out of both sides of your mouth" or "I’ll say anything to be VP".

This from a man that is supposed to have all this moral conviction yet had no conviction to vote to impeach. Double talk! In the words of Lieberman during the scandal, " But the truth is…" Yes, the truth is a great thing. It shows that we should not lie! During such a holy campaign where Al Gore goes to churches and makes believe he is a preacher and Joe Lieberman is telling people he is very orthodox, it is very fitting to remember what the good book says, in the third book of Moses, " neither lie one to another." So I ask is Clinton moral or immoral, Joe? Either he is moral or immoral, but don’t double-talk America.

Sounds like Gore picked the right man. He knows how to use words just like Bill and Al. Same old, same old! In Lieberman’s speech about the President being immoral also attacked the entertainment industry and pointed out its decaying influence on America. One can only wonder if the same decaying influence is rubbing off on Lieberman. WiredNews reported that Lieberman wants to help create custom dot coms for the porn industry. Things like ".sex" or ".xxx ". Will the real Joe Lieberman please speak up!





Senate Speech on President Clinton:

Senate document on Moral Leadership: article:,1283,36867,00.html?tw=wn20000610

Holy Bible – Leviticus 19:11