~ Passive Voice Quiz (1) ~

Tick the right passive form from the answers given.:

1)  Someone is viewing this page right now.
This page is viewed right now by someone
This page is being viewed by someone right now
This page is being viewed right now.

2)  She is used to cleaning the floor everyday.
The floor is used to clean by she everyday.
The floor is used to being cleaned everyday.
The floor is used to be clean everyday.

3)  They will offer her the award soon.
She will be offered the award soon.
The award will be offered to her by they soon.
She will be offered them the award soon

4)  People can use this device easily.
This device can to be used easily
This device can to be easily used.
This device can be used easily.

5)  They should reconsider the decision.
The decision should to be reconsidered.
The decision should be reconsidered.
The decision should be reconsider by they.

6)  Someone will speak to the manager.
The manager will be spoken to.
The manager will to be spoken to.
The manager will be spoken.

7)  They haven't brought the book back yet.
The book haven't been brought back yet.
The book haven't been brought yet back.
The book hasn't been brought back yet.

8)  They are going to buy the ship.
The ship is being gone to be bought.
The ship is going to buy.
The ship is going to be bought.

9)  They don't use machines there.
Machines there are not used
Machines are not used there.
Machines don't be used there.

10)  We made mistakes.
Mistakes was made.
Mistakes were made.
Mistakes had been made
The Passive Voice